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  • #16
    Very original. Just awesome!
    "A severed foot would make the ultimate stocking stuffer"
    -Mitch Hedberg


    • #17
      yeah. thats the way to go i love them.
      i wish, more clients would ask for such pictures.

      p.s. i love your glass-marble-trees. nice reflections.
      max 9 + vray


      • #18
        one word : impressive... excellent feeling and reading..
        love the cars...and trees !
        2d white people is a choice, i believe ?
        Jérôme Prévost.
        SolidRocks, the V-Ray Wizard.


        • #19
          Awesome stuff, looks very cool !


          • #20
            Mike Henry


            • #21
              Thank you so much guys!

              Kyle, the perspex is just a simple refractive VRay shader with some fog, and a noise in the bump slot. The fog was tweaked in several images, because the shader had a very different character viewed in front of the bright sky or in front of the wooden elements, but that's all. And a slight refraction glossiness, but very subtle, and with the raytraced dof present, imo quite meaningless too.

              Clifton, yes, familiar thing. We had soooo many projects what started like this and ended up something photoreal. And usually everything started with a "hmm... nice, but can we have uhm, let's say, leaves on the trees?"

              Subburb, the clients wanted to see some hardcore urban action, so people were a must. Almost everything was modelled in scale as a model like this would be built in reality, and only the people stand out. But in the end it turned out to be a nice addition imo.

              This was the whole site, maybe you can see the installation a bit more clearly from these views.

              Best regards,

              credit for avatar goes here


              • #22
                Yeah. That's hot. Any chance of a video??

                Need to make sure the resident old school fried architect in the office doesn't see these.
                Last edited by sea2stars; 12-02-2008, 12:29 PM.


                • #23
                  Wonderfull !!!
         | - home of hdri knowledge


                  • #24
                    Outstanding images, love them.


                    • #25
                      that sure is different. I like the "real" look. Seems like a mini model actually got build. Excellent!!!
                      Kind Regards,


                      • #26
                        Aldaryn, these are absolutely stunning.
                        I love them.
                        Perfect rendering, great style - these are truely some of the best & most inspiring images i have seen in a long while.

                        What are your times?.


                        • #27
                          Very inspiring to see a render style like this! Just perfect. Congrats


                          • #28
                            Thanks for the compliments again. I must admit it's very good to see how well this project ended. Most of the time we have to do rather mediocre stuff thanks to deadlines and typical hungarian style work management. (Don't really know how workflow between offices goes abroad, but I'm pretty sure that hungary is way behind considering work management...) there's no time for detailing models, experimenting with shaders, do new maps, etc. Well, this work was not much different, but thank God we somehow managed to convince the architects to go with this style and not force something "photoreal" for a competittion print.

                            sea2stars, well recently we're working on a reel, and decided to it by rendering small sequences of our stills with slow cameras, so there absulutely will be a video of this set.

                            sv, the times were like an hour each frame on a regular quadcore intel core2. There was no more time for the frames, since we had to send them frame by frame to the architects for print and finish. They constantly kept calling us in like every ten minutes asking for the next render. We re rendered all the frames later to have a lower noise, and as far asI can remember they were two to five hours depending on what was in the fov at the moment.

                            Best regards,


                            ps.: excuse my grammar, had to type fast.
                            credit for avatar goes here

