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interior - italian restaurant

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  • interior - italian restaurant

    Hi guys,
    First timer
    Finally got a project that I liked (a lot of atmosphere and mood) and not those boring interiors I usually do so I decided to give this one my full attention and have fun with it. First, I tried brute force GI subdivs 12 and 6 bounces, and the render times were WAY too long, and there were still noise on the walls, then I switched back to good old light cache. Anyway, here is the render and the settings I used, I was wondering what you pros would increase to clear the render and not kill render time. I mean what would be effective.

    Actually, I'm uploading version with brute force.

    min/max -3, -1
    HSph 80
    interp. samples 20
    default thresholds

    Also, I usually like these rough highlights vray makes, gives unCG look, but sometimes it's too much, and weird, like in some places here. How to get rid of those? My matte reflection materials all have around 16 subdivision.

    Thx in advance for all advances and comments

    Attached Files

  • #2
    DOF version

    Hi guys,
    So here is the vray physical camera version, you can see some artifacts on top of the lamp again.
    Attached Files


    • #3
      a render like this is always going to take a long time to render because its such a low light situation that just takes time to clean up.

      Id recommend you use light cache and irradiance map, but it will need very high ir map settings to clean up...perhaps blur the ir map also... at the end of the day to get a real quality render perhaps you'd be better off with brute and lc, and a weekend!

      looks like it has huge potential , and already looks great. some of the more talented vrayer's are sure to know some good IR settings to help you out.
      Last edited by werticus; 08-05-2008, 01:04 AM.


      • #4
        Oh, never used that combo, brute and lc, lol, I guess it WOULD take a weekend

        When you say very high IR map, you mean to change min/max rate or interp. and HSph? Do you change those from default 50 20 when you render high quality IR or you just change min/max rate?

        Thanks for your reply!


        • #5
          well use high or very high and increase the other samples as well...probably need to use twice the quality of an average render or more, just do quick test regions around the ceiling till you see its clean.


          • #6
            Oh you mean presets high or very high, never used them lol, kinda ignore them so didn't get you the first time, but yeah, I'll try them.


            • #7
              Have you tried raising the Interp. samples as well, to help clear the scene, and also raising the Reflection Subdivs on the metal material in the ceiling lamps (if the reflective glossiness is less than 1) to see if the light reflection looks more defined.

              What Image sampler (Antialiasing) and Noise threshold are you using ?
              Last edited by rmejia; 11-05-2008, 05:39 PM.


              • #8
                nice potential I agree and some really nice details, but i am wondering something:

                is this how the image looks straight out from the renderer or was it brightened in post?. It looks like the image came out dark (there will probably be grain amongst the dark areas) and it was corrected in photoshop.

                If this is the case, i would suggest that maybe increasing the light/dark multipliers in colormapping (depends what method is used) so that the image that is generated by vray is resonably close to the end result that you want. I had a similar recent job where I did this and although the interior looked a bit flat, it was smooth and without blotches. Basically i think the scene needs more light. If you are in the situation I was in where adding more lights wasnt desirable, you could always try just messing with colourmapping settings as well - this also shouldnt change render times too much as well i think (hopefully!). Of course i'm no expert though so try at your own risk


                • #9
                  No I left interp. samples on 20, I didn't wanna loose detail, I feel it'll be too smooth. I would prefer to clear it by raising some samples rather than smoothing the out.

                  I use Catmul Rom and DMC noise default 0.85. Does that 0.85 affect IR map?

                  Yes, I used color mapping, gama adjusting on like 1.5. I'll try to adjust the multipliers more so I don't need PS. Thx

