More developing of our hi-res model pipeline. This is Zbrush/Max and a bit of 3D Coat for some texturing. No bump or displacement maps, all hi-res geometry out of Zbrush and loaded as a vrmesh. This method is working well, atlhough the next round of objects I think we'll combine normal/bump mapping with *almost* full res meshes. This will help shave off a few million polys and give us a better representation in the viewport and with RT (which does not support displacement at this time).
Total poly's in 3 main pieces was around 40 million but shaved that down to more like 20 prior to rendering. Post, and some detailing, done in Photoshop.
Renders were 5K each. Sharpening for this lo-res is a bit heavy handed so posted a link for a better/higher res well.
Feedback always appreciated.

higher res of full shot:
Detail of hi-res:
Total poly's in 3 main pieces was around 40 million but shaved that down to more like 20 prior to rendering. Post, and some detailing, done in Photoshop.
Renders were 5K each. Sharpening for this lo-res is a bit heavy handed so posted a link for a better/higher res well.
Feedback always appreciated.

higher res of full shot:
Detail of hi-res:
