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WIP: Residence

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  • #16
    Do you use exponential color mapping? The white block and the plants pot that are in the sun are really to bright imo. Also the red frame, maybe use blurry reflections for it? I like the left half of your image

    I also don't really see the point of using displacement on the carpet, I think you get same result with normal texture & bump, which would be a lot faster also.


    Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


    • #17
      I disagree very much Flipside, first if done right displacements are not that slow. second a bump will not diffuse the light like a displacement, Thirdly a bump will not give you the edge detail where the carpet meets other objects there will just be a straight line. That third point makes it more than worth it to me.
      Eric Boer


      • #18
        Yeah I just did some small displacement tests and I have to change my opinion... Before I only tried it to make grass and some other stuff and that turned out slow, but now that I know more about it I see what you mean and indeed the difference is huge!

        So forget my previous comment about the displacement


        Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


        • #19

          That carpet does look very nice with all the subtle variations. So what did you do to change the lighting setup? Looks like sun is in the same location.

          Great work and amazing improvement over the first.



          • #20
            Very nice lighting! The only comment I have is a minor one about composition. The edge of the glass table lines up perfectly with the bottom edge of the chair cushions. This at first made me do a double take because I wasn't sure what I was looking at. Usually photographers avoid having unrelated "lines" superimposed upon one another, since it can create unintended areas that grab the eye. Again, a minor issue in a great image.


            • #21
              The difference is photons and a good friends advice , I still am planning to balance the lighting a bit, stay tuned...

              Good point Ron I will adjust
              Eric Boer


              • #22
                Well done Eric. Definately looks better. the amount of contrast is more realistic. I have to agree with Flipside about the brightness though. Your nice ottoman on the bottom right there is blown out and we're not seeing at that detail. Definatey switch to exponential colour mapping if you haven't already done so.

                The wall with the painting on it and the ceiling look much better. The wall on the left though is looking a little strange. Almost as though it has light grey paint on it, instead of being white paint in shadow.

                Nice work at any rate. By the way, how long is the IR Map taking as well as the render?



                • #23
                  Great image (bis repetitae) !

                  But I agree with "Ron_Haselius" : there's a composition problem.
                  Everything is (seems ?) well aligned and very perpendicular.
                  The image should "get alive" rotating slightly some chairs or some table.
                  Just like if human live here and not just character studio's biped !

                  The lightning and colors of 2nd version are just great !
                  Regards, Fabrice.


                  • #24
                    Well here is the latest , worked to balance the light. I have lost some of the "pop" that the last one had. Having a hard time taming the hdri skylight without breaking it's spirit . If I can find a balance between this and the last I will be happy. I agree that the furniture is too squared I plan to add more enterouge and will move things around a bit. Render time was 9m52s at this res on a P4 2.4

                    Now if I just knew what the translation of "bis repetitae" was

                    Eric Boer


                    • #25
                      The blue light makes it feel very cold and sterile. It's missing the warmth from your first pic.
                      5 years and counting.


                      • #26
                        "Bis repetitae" is the popular shortcut for "bis" (= once more).
                        It's latin speaking but quite usual ... in french.

                        I said it because I was the 10th saying your image was great...
                        Regards, Fabrice.

