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Graticule House

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  • Graticule House

    It's been a while since I've posted a fully formed personal project... and this is not it.

    This started with the best of intentions but I could never get it quite finished, furnishing-wise. But the house itself, inspired by David Jameson Architects, is pretty much how it should be, while the landscape is about 75 per cent there. Still, I doubt I'll dig into it again, so here it is anyway.

    As usual, modelled in 3ds Max and rendered in Vray. The scene was used as a test environment for GrowFX trees (all of them are) and as a display cabinet for recent furniture models, which, as always, you can grab at the usual address.

    Here are a few renders and you can find the full sequence of images here.

    As always, very much looking for your C&Cs

    Check my blog

  • #2
    Really nice work, I saw the first image and thought I was looking at a photograph forgot for a moment I was in the chaosgroup forums!


    • #3
      Incredible work! I never cease to be amazed by the quality and realism of your work, it's inspirational. Thanks for sharing.

      Andrew Martin Visualisation


      • #4
        simply stunning! a real inspiration! btw, is the DOF in 3dsmax or done in post?


        • #5
          Fantastic work as always. My only comment is that the trees look out of scale to the house in the first 2 shots (ie. too big).


          • #6
            Good work bertrand,i liked the wood and chrome materials.
            Arch Pedro A. Solano
            "Save the irradiance map, save the render"
            Vray 3.10.03|3DMax 2011 x64|Intel Core i7-2600 CPU @3.4GHz|16GB Ram|Windows 7 Ultimate SP1
            Follow us on facebook
            Visit us on PSolano


            • #7
              Perfect touch as always Bertrandt!!!! Love it!

              apart from using GrowFX....what have you used for the grass scattering? Multiscatter or Forest Pack?



              • #8
                Love it, really nice work as always, Bertrand !
                By the way, i need to set up exactly a wooden floor like yours, would you mind telling me how (textures, material) you did that ? This is really looking absolutely convincing.
                check my site


                • #9
                  Beautiful! You have fantastic skills.
                  MDI Digital


                  • #10
                    quality. if someone was to ask what's the state of the art in arch viz today, you might as well point him to this thread..


                    • #11
                      amazing work! can you please share with us some wireframes, especially from the exteriors?


                      • #12
                        Thanks a million for the kind words. They mean a lot.

                        KAKTUSDIGITAL: The DOF in all the images was done in-render. I always leave it "on", though it obviously doesn't show that much in the wide-angle exteriors.

                        bob-cat: You might be right about that. I scaled the trees up a bit, partly to add drama and partly to match the rather gigantic trees I was looking at in the reference photos.

                        PIXELBOX_SRO: I think it was my first biggish scene using only Forest Pro for scattering. It worked flawlessly.

                        eyebee: I would normally model such a floor using the Floor Generator script and the Multitexture plugin. However I really didn't want any space between the planks in this case so I went for the now defunct BRIX plugin. You could do this with the floor generator by setting up a zero bevel though, but all this geometry might be overkill in this case.
                        On a side note, it looks like BRIX is neither going to be maintained any further nor recompiled for 2012, which is a real shame given how great a tool it was. Because of this, I will have to drop it as a tool. I believe recompiling work is underway for the Multitexture plugin (whithout which the Floor Generator script is pretty pointless).

                        ozztheforester: Sure, I'll upload some wires asap.
                        Check my blog


                        • #13
                          Thank you very much, bertrand. i am trying the floor generator and multitexture right now. Thomas suurland said, it will be recompiled for 2012 soon. so i end up using 2011 again.
                          These are really helpful scripts, but i had to generate my own planks textures.
                          check my site


                          • #14
                            Well, Thomas has some great plank textures for sale on CGSource. They well worth the investment.
                            Check my blog


                            • #15
                              Awesome! .. well composed scene.. superb lighting. Though i wonder wht kind of machines do you use for rendering so complex scenes??
                              Prateek Vishwa

