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Thomas' Vray Gallery

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  • #31
    Thomas' Vray Gallery

    Originally posted by Micha
    Cool - a dispersion effect. It is possible in Vray for Rhino? Or is it a trick.

    Hmm, this image dosn't looks like an authentic Anagnostou, it looks so dark and the gamma seems to be to strong. I like the softer, smoother look of your previous renderings.
    Yeah, the dispersion is a multilayered material having three refraction layers at slightly different IOR values (for the R, G and B colors).

    About the darkness / gamma: Yeah, I know ... its too late at night ... I can't see very well at 5:25 am


    • #32
      Thomas' Vray Gallery

      Cool trick.

      Late in the night ... I know it. CG is a never ending story.

      EDIT: Do you have used a light blury refraction? Could help to get a smooth dispersion. - visualization for designer and architects


      • #33
        Thomas' Vray Gallery

        Originally posted by Micha
        Do you have used a light blury refraction? Could help to get a smooth dispersion.
        You are right. A little blur on the refraction channels would have made it smoother...


        • #34
          Thomas' Vray Gallery

          I'm curious on your next experiment.
 - visualization for designer and architects


          • #35

            Really cool stuff - I cant wait to get to grips with it
            ark Seberini


            • #36
              Thomas' Vray Gallery

              Originally posted by Thomas An.
              Added a hydraulic pump image: (2h 26m)

              I am not too happy with the lighting and texturing, so I may have to revisit this one at some point.
              Hi Thomas,
              I was wondering if you would like to share how you textured the sliced part textures. Did you exploded, and apply different bump maps on single plane surfaces and change orientation (rotate) of each surface ?
              Can you just show a sample of this bump map ?
              Thank you very much.
              Freelance Industrial Designer - Rhino3d v4 - Vray for Rhino


              • #37
                Thomas' Vray Gallery

                Hi Jean,

                Those textures could be better (so I am not supper proud of them right now).

                Yes, those faces were extracted from the solid body and a texture was applied to them.

                The texture is hand made in Illustrator: Drawing a single straight line segment and making it randomly fill a rectangular area. So yu end up with a bunch of randomly placed straight lines. (There could be better ways of doing this of course)

                The map looks something like this, except bigger.

