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grazing sheeps - grass mats for vray

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  • #31
    in all truthfullness, the 3200+ does not perform all that close to a p4 at 3.2ghz.
    5 years and counting.


    • #32
      I get 52 min. with P4 2.8 1gb ram.

      with stores map, I do it like 2.5 min.

      how its possible to do in14 min I dont know,
      also I was actively using the computer while it was rendering...


      • #33
        Ok, yeah thats true, but i was just trying make sure you knew what i meant. thats all. But your render time does sound a little odd.

        Yeah same time as me, finally a truthful render. yeah i dont know how Psy got 14mins......hmmmmm. Maybe just maybe, im not loosing my marbles...not just yet. I too was using my machine...kinda, i was using VNC to access my machine at home so i could do the renders, my work machine is pretty pissy

        2 more things.
        Psy, what version of vray are you using?
        Bolkar, what version of vray are you using?

        me thinks it has something to do with that.


        • #34
          do you think you could save the file in max 4 format? i cant open the file and i think thats why.
          i'd really like to see how this works


          Joe P.


          • #35
            Hi Guys
            Just thought i'd give my Pennies worth ............

            Im running a dual Amd 2400 mp machine with a gig of ram ......
            amd's run damn hot, the most important thing with these amd chips are to keep em cool.........when your rendering a scene like this your running at 110%..... and more some.....
            the cooler you keep em the more responsive they are, im running 4 x fans in my box and that just keeps them cool enough.



            • #36
              According to asus probe my machine never gets over 42c when rendering, i realise that is not the actual diode temp, but even so its still pretty cool.
              I find it really hard to see how my machine can render this scene so damn slow, it should be able to do it at most twice your render time...20mins. But it takes like 50mins, i am running my 2700 at stock using a artic silver 3 and a SLK800 it is as cool as it can get.

              So you juist opened the file and hit render? Im doing it again now. I post again with the exact time.... i think i might need to reinstall windows....


              • #37
                I see your point ........ but i didnt just get it out of the box and hit render and i dont think anyone else did neither.......try these settings..
                Face/level coef makes a difference and simple two level AA



                • #38
                  ahhh thats abit better now, render time 18mins.
                  What change was it that made the big difference? face/level coef??

                  still seems a tad slow tho


                  • #39
                    Ok dumb question time. What does face/level coef do??

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                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Syclone1
                      Ok dumb question time. What does face/level coef do??

                      yeah, good point i was going to ask that in my last yeah good call.

                      what does it do/change/mean?


                      • #41
                        It rendered in 28 min with the settings Natty suggested on my xp 2100+ with 785mb ram, although I was running other applications at the time. I'll try it later right out of the box if I have time to compare them.
                        The grass looks great though.

                        Thanks metroberlin!


                        • #42
                          Thanks for posting your render times, things are starting to make more sense.

                          Its seems that (assuiming those pentium render times were with teh grass file straight out of the box), that pentiums render much faster in vray with displacement.....or that those render times were infact fudged. Or the scene was modified. I would be interested to get to the bottom of this.


                          • #43
                            Hi all...

                            I Think something is gravely wrong with my computer…

                            Pentium 4 – 2.4Ghz ; 1gig of RAM running XP PRO and check this out… 01:48:00 for rendering that scene as it is without changing nothing !!! why is that ??!!

                            Playing around with precision value ( 16 to 8 ) and checking LOW and VERY LOW for the IR got it down to 38min to 25min, which is still slower then the times other posted for the default scene render !!!

                            Any suggestions as to where do I begin to check this anomaly??? Maybe some other test scenes with a list of times and hardware setup to compare ???

                            I feel that something is wrong with my box and that feeling sucks



                            • #44
                              Use these settings, and see what time you get.....make sure to change the ace/level coef in the system roll out of the render panel.

                              Originally posted by natty
                              I see your point ........ but i didnt just get it out of the box and hit render and i dont think anyone else did neither.......try these settings..
                              Face/level coef makes a difference and simple two level AA



                              • #45
                                This is the result for the P4, 2.4Ghz, 1gig RAM, XP PRO system
                                Is that too slow ??? or is it in range for this system ???


