All other setting are default if not mentioned
Global switches - Lighting - (Lights, shadow)on, (default lights, hidden lights,
Show GI Only) off
- Gamma Correction - (Output)2.2,
(Correct RGB and Correct LDR Textures) on
Camera - Shutter speed - 60 (1/60th), Film width 56, F-Number 16, ISO 50
Environment - GI(skylight) 0.9 colour R204,G229,B255 "M" set to sky with Turbidity of 2
Background 0.8 colour R006, G189, Blue 204
"M" set to sky with Turbidity of 2
Image Sampler - Adaptive QMC, Min Subdivs 1, Max Subdivs 250
Antialiasing filter "on" , area, size 1.5
Displacement - Edge length(pix) 10, Max Subdivs 256, Amount 3
Indirect Illumination - Primary - Irradiance Map, Secondary - Light Cache
Irradiance Map - Basic Parameters - Min rate -2, Max Rate 1,
Hsph. Subdivs 200, Samples 300
Detail enhancement - "on", scale screen, Radius 60
Light Cache - Calculation Parameters - Subdivs 2000, Sample size 0.1, Num. Phases 4
Output size 2048 X 1536
Materials used in model - all of them are available off the ASGVIS site,
Wood - Pine boards worn, Diffuse "M", UVW Transform,
Repeat u 0.01, v 0.01
Tile was unticked, Override set to 0.7
Maps, Bump map selectecd and the
black and white bitmap was selected
and same settings as Diffuse were used.
Grass - I am using the grass of the ASGVIS site
but with a 0.5 blend with a photograph
of grass I took. Repeat u 0.01, v 0.01
Lighting in model - I set the sun to very late in the evening so as to give the lantern light more effect.
then I used 5 rectangular lights in a cube that fit inside the lantern, I set them to doublesided, and invisible, then set the colour to R255, G255, B215 (slight yellow) and the intensity of each light to 2000. then I put a round sphere in the middle and gave it an emmisive layer and set that intensity to 10000 to try and represent a light bulb with the same colour as above.
The glass around the lantern is standard glass with a slight yellow fog, but looking at it now it looks light i nead to increase the fog intensity to match the yellow light coming from the rectangular lights.
Any criticism? any comments?? and last of all - please give me a pat on my back - LOOK at the render time !!!! £!hours and 25 mins, is that commitment?
Im using a P4 1.8 with 256mb ram and a old 32mb radeon 7500
Yes I am hopefully trying to save up to buy a new machine because I think I really want to get involved in rendering scenes both interiors and exteriors both for the Architecture company I work for and for fun.
Global switches - Lighting - (Lights, shadow)on, (default lights, hidden lights,
Show GI Only) off
- Gamma Correction - (Output)2.2,
(Correct RGB and Correct LDR Textures) on
Camera - Shutter speed - 60 (1/60th), Film width 56, F-Number 16, ISO 50
Environment - GI(skylight) 0.9 colour R204,G229,B255 "M" set to sky with Turbidity of 2
Background 0.8 colour R006, G189, Blue 204
"M" set to sky with Turbidity of 2
Image Sampler - Adaptive QMC, Min Subdivs 1, Max Subdivs 250
Antialiasing filter "on" , area, size 1.5
Displacement - Edge length(pix) 10, Max Subdivs 256, Amount 3
Indirect Illumination - Primary - Irradiance Map, Secondary - Light Cache
Irradiance Map - Basic Parameters - Min rate -2, Max Rate 1,
Hsph. Subdivs 200, Samples 300
Detail enhancement - "on", scale screen, Radius 60
Light Cache - Calculation Parameters - Subdivs 2000, Sample size 0.1, Num. Phases 4
Output size 2048 X 1536
Materials used in model - all of them are available off the ASGVIS site,
Wood - Pine boards worn, Diffuse "M", UVW Transform,
Repeat u 0.01, v 0.01
Tile was unticked, Override set to 0.7
Maps, Bump map selectecd and the
black and white bitmap was selected
and same settings as Diffuse were used.
Grass - I am using the grass of the ASGVIS site
but with a 0.5 blend with a photograph
of grass I took. Repeat u 0.01, v 0.01
Lighting in model - I set the sun to very late in the evening so as to give the lantern light more effect.
then I used 5 rectangular lights in a cube that fit inside the lantern, I set them to doublesided, and invisible, then set the colour to R255, G255, B215 (slight yellow) and the intensity of each light to 2000. then I put a round sphere in the middle and gave it an emmisive layer and set that intensity to 10000 to try and represent a light bulb with the same colour as above.
The glass around the lantern is standard glass with a slight yellow fog, but looking at it now it looks light i nead to increase the fog intensity to match the yellow light coming from the rectangular lights.
Any criticism? any comments?? and last of all - please give me a pat on my back - LOOK at the render time !!!! £!hours and 25 mins, is that commitment?
Im using a P4 1.8 with 256mb ram and a old 32mb radeon 7500
Yes I am hopefully trying to save up to buy a new machine because I think I really want to get involved in rendering scenes both interiors and exteriors both for the Architecture company I work for and for fun.