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yacht room

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  • #16
    Re: yacht room

    Looks very good, apart from slight splotchyness in the ceiling, My first guess is that you did not lower your irradiance min/max when going to high res.
    You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


    • #17
      Re: yacht room

      thak you Gijs.

      i usually use Min rate at -3 and max rate at 0 color threshold 0.3 normal and distance threshold at 0.1 when rendering finals. isnt that the way it sopposed to be? anyway it looks real at this one because it supposed to be fabric with a little fur i will be happy if you suggest new settings and can try them at my other works.

      But my real problem is the weird circles at carpet where there is also shadow. carpet has a dif. color and bump map. any idea about that?



      • #18
        Re: yacht room

        -5/-2 would be ok for that resolution. if you go to print, you will effectively scale down an image to 25%. -3/0 is overkill.

        as for the carpet issue. I just had a similar issue and solved it by changing the sec. ray bias to 0.01 (from 0) It could well be though that it is related to the irradiance overkill. Also make sure the normals of these objects are pointed to the camera and that you don't have overlapping geometry (although in theory, the sec. ray bias should take care of that)
        You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


        • #19
          Re: yacht room

          Actually I think the carpet issue is something else: I think those splotches come from darker samples. My guess is that those samples come from underneath the bed (is it a bed?) If there is an object there that has its normals facing up, or if it has a very dark material assigned, it could be responsible for those dark dots
          You can contact StudioGijs for 3D visualization and 3D modeling related services and on-site training.


          • #20
            Re: yacht room


            I am a newbee with vray for rhino, and i'm trying to get the same results as you did.
            I'm also working in the yacht interiors, and till now i always rendered in flamingo.

            I find it very hard to get a good lighting solution. I realy don't know which lights i have to use for the best result (point lights or rectangular light or spots).
            And whats a normal setting for the multiplier for lights.
            I'm getting dizzy of al these settings

            I just need some basic settings to start with. Hope you guys can help me out.


            • #21
              Re: yacht room


              Yeap it is a bed ;D

              But bed is a mesh surface and there is no other surfaces underneath it. so only material facing to the carpet is white. :-\ i will try the first guess and see the result

              what are the adv. and disadv. of the -5/-2. wont it cause some pixels showed up? make render blury...? ???


              i suggest you first to read all the tutorials, manuals that you find in i learned all i know from this site and helpful users you can search your questions in the forum and may find answers if not create a new topic. we are ready to help.


              • #22
                Re: yacht room

                Yeah, i'm reading as much as i can on this forum.. I'm building a new material library now.
                It's helpfull to have some good materials to render with.

                I always want to have fast results hehe.. might be a bad habbit.

                What yard are you working for? Just currious, the styling looks pretty good.


                • #23
                  Re: yacht room

                  in my opinion the render of the lamp is cool yet the lights in the first one doesnt match each other a bit more bright picture might be cooler somehow your lights in the renderings dont match each other like the lights you show on top are different than the lighting itself

                  in the last render if you make the satin cloth a bit more wavy than this in the surface either with bump or point editing it would be much more realistic

                  other than that especially first render is so cool

                  and master gjis and master micha also here at the same time it is an honour even being in the same forum with you


                  • #24
                    Re: yacht room

                    final version of the first one


                    • #25
                      Re: yacht room

                      Dear Blastered,

                      Are you the designer of Peri Yacht?
                      Can u explain ur job functions briefly?
                      cuz I'm tring to devote myself in this field.
                      I think the Peri's style is pretty good. ;D



                      • #26
                        Re: yacht room

                        actually Peri Yachts is our customer. and i am a member of the design team as an exterior designer and render man.

                        you cant stand that much stress without devotion. trust me.

                        by the way new renders are ready and waiting for some spare time


                        • #27
                          Re: yacht room

                          Here are the latest ones


                          • #28
                            Re: yacht room

                            Dude, those are absolutely gorgeous!


                            • #29
                              Re: yacht room

                              thank you Travis. they are good for now. but i know that there is lots of things that i dont know.


                              • #30
                                Re: yacht room

                                The new images look fantastic! I've been modelling the interior of a more classical style yacht but I'm hoping to work on something a little modern like what you've done.

                                I want to ask if you have managed to find a way around the material mapping problems that you can get on cushions. I'm refering to your latest set of images with the close up of the couch in the bottom left corner.

                                Underway Contracts Ltd
                                3D Visualisation, Design & Drafting

