I've been playing around with materials. In particular old and dirty. I grabbed a model from the Google Warehouse and textured it. Lots of different layers on each material.
I found quickly that the model had too few polygons as I found myself reworking and adding more and more details to the model. I felt it wasn't worth it as this was just a texture testing, so I'm just leaving the model as is now.
Instead I'm now modelling a 69' Charger in 3DS Max. Haven't decided if I'll render it in 3DS Max Mental Ray or take in into SU to render with V-Ray.
I found quickly that the model had too few polygons as I found myself reworking and adding more and more details to the model. I felt it wasn't worth it as this was just a texture testing, so I'm just leaving the model as is now.
Instead I'm now modelling a 69' Charger in 3DS Max. Haven't decided if I'll render it in 3DS Max Mental Ray or take in into SU to render with V-Ray.