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First Interior

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  • First Interior

    Hello all, am a completely noob, recently our univ provide u v-ray for Su, so its my first try, its a hospital OPD, so plz have comments and also give me some suggestion, one more thing when ever i create a light on the ceiling it wont glow but when i drag it down to about 1 ft, it works, is this necessary? waiting for you comments and suggestions.

  • #2
    Re: First Interior

    it's a pretty nice try; though great part of the final result depends on the design and amount of details; for me, a render becomes great when you take care of every single detail and material, in this case, illumination seems fine, but you did not edit any material.
    are you using rectangular lights?
    los campeones no nacen, se hacen...


    • #3
      Re: First Interior

      well i dont know how to edit materials, i dont have bump jepegs, also can you help me how to create steel material, ad yes i use rectangular light


      • #4
        Re: First Interior

        well, the first thing that others will tell you is that you have to read the manual ;D
        hehe, but it's pretty easy... you see the M in the vray Toolbar?
        well, you just have to right clic on the material that you want to edit, and add layers...
        emissive or reflection layers... try that, play with the values, and don't stop clicking the preview button, that way you'll understand what every value does...
        you can download materials from this sites, or from the download section in the asgvis site.
        for preset materials (or downloaded vismats) just right clic on the material, and select "import"
        and, as you porbably know, maps go in the maps rollout :P
        but really, read the manual... it worths it
        los campeones no nacen, se hacen...

