Hi Cocolas,
Your scene have 3 major things that slows down everything
1- Did you ever try to setup a small scene with 20 lights with Vraysoftshadows? It will be ever slow if you use them like this... worth with 8 subdivisions, you can try to use only 3 and reduce the light size but... still slow. better with shadow maps or vray standart shadows
2- Very strong multipliers for the lights without fallof square attenuation...
3- You are forcing to much the object lights with very high multipliers too, and better to use a black diffuse color instead to avoid them to be included in the irradiance map process
Your scene have 3 major things that slows down everything
1- Did you ever try to setup a small scene with 20 lights with Vraysoftshadows? It will be ever slow if you use them like this... worth with 8 subdivisions, you can try to use only 3 and reduce the light size but... still slow. better with shadow maps or vray standart shadows
2- Very strong multipliers for the lights without fallof square attenuation...
3- You are forcing to much the object lights with very high multipliers too, and better to use a black diffuse color instead to avoid them to be included in the irradiance map process