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living room

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  • living room

    Hi everybody,
    post my new scene,c&c are very welcome


    <img src="">

  • #2
    Re: living room


    • #3
      Re: living room

      there are a few comments i have, but before i do, you have way toooooo much burn going on. I like a little burn in certain places but not like this, what are your colour mapping settings? Change it from reinhard to expotential and also take your white colours down from 255. to 250. If your still getting expesive burn than its occuring from having lights that are too strong so these will need to be lowered.

      make these changes and then ill pass on the rest of my comments


      • #4
        Re: living room

        Thank you very much,Deanfitton for your comment and responding first
        i used Linear Multiply color mapping - Bright mult. - 1 and Dark mult. - 2.5(maybe here is too much overburning)
        i set three rectangular lights outside of windows and below the ceiling rect.lights is multiplier 8,
        it's better not to use below the ceiling lights at all?
        i will post soon render after your comments



        • #5
          Re: living room

          No worries, old versions of vray required you to put rect lights outside windows to up the illumination, but with the new version your illumination should be good enough to avoid this task. Using rect lights in the windows also adds to the illumination calcuation time, and they also have the annoying habit of ruining very reflective materials like glass, metals etc as they show up in their surfaces. Set the sun to cast into your room, set your physical camera to shutter speed 30, iso 100 and f number to 4. Set the colour mapping to exponential, and remove all rect lights. Obviously if you want a certain light fitting to appear on then leave the rect light in, but if your aiming for a scene during the day... Will you really have lights on...? Hopefully this should give you a nicer render. If the scene is too dark, lower the f number or shutter speed in small increments until the disired effect is achieved. Increase them if too bright.

          Kind regards


          • #6
            Re: living room

            Hi Deanfitton,
            I rendered my scene again before i saw your kindly explanation of critical workflow points.Thanks a lot,i will try it later,
            i think this scene even strengths things you said,because here i used rectangular lights behind he windows and get these annoying "side effects" of leaking light from rectangular lights.i haven't used rectangular lights below ceiling,but ceiling doesn't have equal lighting level.
            i used Linear multiply color mapping,i thought it gives more vivid and loyal to materials exposure,you prefer to use exponential mapping?
            i should improve my sofa material(that what i saw,if there are additional things to comment,it's will be great to improve)

            i try your settings later and post it here,
            Thanks again

            <img src="">


            • #7
              Re: living room

              here you go mate


              • #8
                Re: living room

                what do you think?

                i think it looks miles better than before. I presume your wondering whats happening in the red rings, obviously thats the light coming through the windows, do you have a slight reflection on ceiling material?


                • #9
                  Re: living room

                  i think it looks much better,much more saturate,kind of rough and crispy,it's much closer to realistic perception of natural lighting.
                  i appreciate you comments very much,it's very important to post stuff and share with people,because when you render alone,specially in the beginning,it's very difficult to compare and see what better and what less

                  yes,i do some reflection on my ceiling,cancel it?


                  • #10
                    Re: living room

                    well everything has a level of reflection to it, I think it looks fine, its just you circled them as if to say you werent happy with it. Looks much better now, change the rug, its such a prominent object and at the moment its not very realistic and really detracts from what is beginning to become a nice scene.

                    Teofas shared a rug a while back that was a nice model


                    • #11
                      Re: living room

                      Hi Dean,
                      i made my light test as you said without rectangular lihgts at all,just psychical camera,sun and color mapping,
                      one scene seems to be ok,but the other has these strange things,i don't know what is it,and how get rid of that

                      Thanks to all for some creative suggestions

