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  • Tests

    I've been doing some tests and this is my first presentable result. it's got a shitload of issues but up until now I was mostly doing this in my spare time - and with this i've got approval to develop it further. Working on something a little more complex now. also need to get the front wake balance (it pushes too much, doesnt spread enough) and the back (there's not enough)
    Figured i'd post it anyway because everyone likes looking at fluid stuff

    22 mil cells, 2 mil foam particles, 100k splash particles. 30s a frame to start, up to just under a minute at it's peak. 6min a frame at 720p, using BF/LC (seriously this is way faster than old versions with vray 1.5, nice work!)

  • #2
    good start, of course there is a lot of work to do
    you need a source behind the boat to produce the propeller jet.
    VRScans developer


    • #3
      it's just very weak - it was good, but too big. so I scaled it down and forgot to increase the power

      The foam patterns are beautiful, i'm a big fan of the new versions!


      • #4
        I like the result. The foam and splashes on the front and side of the boat looks good. I'm struggling with almost the same kind of animation except I'm visualizing a ship that is 156 m long and 27 m wide. These ships doesn't go as fast as smaller boats and I cant figure out how I can make Phoenix create a lot of foam from a slow moving vessel. When I speed the vessel up it genereates more foam but such a speed doesn't look right. In reality its quite a lot of foam and splashes even it it is slow. Probably due to its weight. I would also like to have a long tail of foam behind the vessel but it takes forever to simulate. Keep up the good work.


        • #5
          are you have real scale model of the ship?
          when the ship hits the water, the slow moving object does not produce splash and foam because the gravity is too strong compared to the velocity and pushes the water back. you can ask where is the scale involved?
          imagine the following: you ship produces splash and foam with speed of 200, but it doesn't with speed of 20. well, now imagine a second ship that is placed beside the first one but is 10 times larger. both the ships are moving with the same speed of 200 and the liquid will behave equally, because it collides with the ships under the same circumstances. we assumed that the small ship produces splash, so the big one will produce too. however, if you draw back the camera, the bigger ship will look exactly like the smaller when is moving slowly with speed of 20. in few words - the splash and foam start to appear at certain absolute speed, but this speed looks small for a large object, and high for the small objects.
          VRScans developer


          • #6
            e: nevermind!
            Last edited by Neilg; 07-05-2014, 07:53 AM.


            • #7
              More tests

              I worked on this for a set amount of time and then cut off to render so there's still a bunch of shit i'd like to fix. Major render issues on a couple of shots which i've fixed on some others and don't want to re-render.
              Still learning what works, what doesn't & where technical hiccups occur so it's warts and all.

              Last edited by Neilg; 08-05-2014, 05:35 PM.


              • #8
                Looking good!
                What is your max depth setting on the reflection/refraction?
                Looks like you need to bump it up a little bit to clean up the dark patches.
                Chris Jackson


                • #9
                  congrats man, you are getting better and better!
                  VRScans developer


                  • #10
                    Yes, looking good already. As you said, still some things to fix and boat could move/shift sometimes which would probably give a more natural movement.


                    • #11
                      thanks guys

                      and yeah chris - there's a lot of rendering issues. I think i fixed a fair few of them but they're only in place on the third shot (still one big one on that too). I was going to re-render the others, but i want to re-sim them too and then it's going to be a whole new revision. Hopefully the next revision will be production ready too.

                      It's slow going. 2 days to sim & render to check the result of a change, and then having to remember what the change was and why in the first place...

                      nice work on 2.2 btw ivaylo - after playing around i've found i have so much more control over how the foam looks and renders. before I was very much in fire and hope for the best mode.
                      Last edited by Neilg; 09-05-2014, 07:31 AM.


                      • #12
                        yes, some of them are hard to be fixed but fortunately are almost invisible.
                        but there is something that hit me in the eyes - the waves are directed not toward the shore! just rotate the texture around the W axis.
                        and i personally prefer zero coherence and zero wave crest, but many people prefer the old default settings (0.5 coherence and 0.5 crest) so if you find the long crest better, it's not a problem.
                        at the end for the moment the grid is visible. but i think nothing can be done. in general, excelent simulation!
                        VRScans developer


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ivaylo Katev View Post
                          but there is something that hit me in the eyes - the waves are directed not toward the shore! just rotate the texture around the W axis.
                          ha, i'm sorry about this.
                          I had a sim on open water already done, then made a shoreline with railclone that just uses a single spline for another job and figured i'd just bring it in. I assumed rotating it around the w axis after simulation wouldn't work and i just wanted the renders to be done... One for the next revision!

                          I'll spend some time playing with the ocean tex before the next version, I need to get to grips with it properly. will check those settings

                          I'm still trying to use the same simulation for all shots so for the next version i'll decide on my shots fist and then do multiple simulations for close/mid/far.
                          Last edited by Neilg; 09-05-2014, 07:41 AM.


                          • #14
                            Love your last phoenix boat animation. Looks great and impressed with the settings you have found. Do you have a large render park since each frame took about an hour to render? Are you situated in Norway since I saw they spoke Norwegian in one of your other films on vimeo.


                            • #15
                              in this space only 4 machines - it's been running in the background over the last couple of weeks. New office so we're waiting until we need a rack to get one
                              I was in the uk when i worked on that and i'm in miami now.

