this is my first project using vray....i have repaired erros done previously. still need some of your feedback. Help me make it better. thanks.
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You be the judge (Added changes to suggestion... updated)
You be the judge (Added changes to suggestion... updated)
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i should have redused the shadow intensity..
thanks guys...
Sorry, only the new one showed last time i saw this thread. Like i said, the first one looks more real, the second one feels like there is a, god forbid, nuclear explosion outside, the sunlight is too low, althou, the enviromental light from that side is coming in pretty nicely, it looks like some late afternoon.
And actually, now im a bit confused, the sunlight should be low, but not so low, and that very sharp and dark shadow on the ceiling are giving the impression of a very strong and very near light source.
So, the bottom line is, IMHO you should soften that shadow, reduce its intensity, and raise the sun light a bit,
Compositionally I prefer the bright sunlight image. The first does look pretty good although a bit dark as dusan has mentioned.
I've always been a person likes to see contrast. It emphasises spatial vollumes and gives a clear indication as to where a lightsource is coming from.
The only thing bugs me in this image is the lights that look like carrots. They conflict with the rest of the image. The other thing is the dark purple monitor. It looks like there's no GI on that object at all.
Nice images though.