Oh i just had to do this
had a few hours to play, and as allways, no time to finish it think.
well lowpolymodelling in Max,
little bit optimising with displacement in Z-brush, Back to max and vray,
and yes i know, on his feet he will tummble like an albatross.
rendered with vray displacement. I still dont know if this little nice pet will be friendly or gentle (and in this case 20 cm, and sitting on someones shoulder )
another day and it would be finished.
with edges texture, lightmap, quasimontecarlo softsh.
this is what he looks like without displacement
now a bit displacement, and all turned on that slows down rendertime
about 1000 000 renderprimitives.
at last a very fast charachtersetup with characterstudio only for fun
had a few hours to play, and as allways, no time to finish it think.
well lowpolymodelling in Max,
little bit optimising with displacement in Z-brush, Back to max and vray,
and yes i know, on his feet he will tummble like an albatross.
rendered with vray displacement. I still dont know if this little nice pet will be friendly or gentle (and in this case 20 cm, and sitting on someones shoulder )
another day and it would be finished.
with edges texture, lightmap, quasimontecarlo softsh.
this is what he looks like without displacement
now a bit displacement, and all turned on that slows down rendertime
about 1000 000 renderprimitives.
at last a very fast charachtersetup with characterstudio only for fun