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    I have just started using max and Vray (I bought max just so I could use vray) I have been lurking in the forum learning quite a bit.

    I wanted to thank all of you for all of the information.

    I have this problem with a render that I haven't come across.

    I am getting these little dots (specularity noise?) on the surfaces It really shows up on the glass.

    I'm using adaptive QMC min1max3 Catmull-Rom filter.

    my Qmc samler is amount .85 noise .007 minsamples 10.

    also I set my materials subdivisions to 20 which reduced it somewhat.

    does someone know how to reduce this without making it blurry?

    this is the whole image (it's a human powered glass of water getter)

    val valgardson

  • #2
    Hey val2 ! welcome

    what a great image... with depth ! a least not an image for only and only the technique... but you have to go through this technique...try to change you max depth or you catmull rom filter or your qmc...that's all that can i say



    • #3

      thanks, I'm still working on the image.

      this is another image on the same theme. (that is why it's in the same thread) I think it is crisper. I had to do a little photoshop on it to boost the colour. I'm trying to figure out how to keep the image from washing out when I add lights. I'm using:
      IRmap multiplier 1.5 satuation 2
      Min rate= -5
      Max rate=-2
      Interp. samples=20
      and lightmap as secondary, multiplier 1 sub 1000 sample .01.
      AA - adaptive 0 2
      It took about 12 hours to render. could have something to do with the chainlinks and the bubbles. (and my machine is not the best, 768ram p4 2.4 single cpu) the 0riginal image is 2048*1556

      if it's not obvious it's a bubble making machine.

      val valgardson


      • #4
        Great concept ... you have a lot of noise on the floor.. but love the image.


        • #5
          What a marvelous machine, refreshing stuff
          Eric Boer


          • #6
            Wonderful work!

            Nice to see something different and original!!

            It looks to me that you have a fairly good grasp of the renderer even though you just started using it. Can't wait to see what you do after you really learn vray.



            • #7
              hehehe thats damn cool.

              Any tips on the bubbles, they are pretty good.

              Your quite the crazy inventor arnt you


              • #8
                thanks, I'm using an hdri to help light it. i'm strill trying to figure out how to remove the noise even though I kind of like it. it looks like those backdrops people use for photography portraits at malls.

                RErender, TRGraphics,
                thank you.

                Daforce. the bubbles are particle systems, pcloud with instanced geometry to a sphere (the standard sphere is rubbish for a smooth surface) the material is a simple vrayMtl with a fall off on the reflect and the ior is 1.01. I had to be careful not to allow to many bubbles because it sent my machine into orbit. I used 2 percent bubble emisions.

                when I get around to it I sometimes build these things in the real world. you can see some of the things that have been built at my website if your interested.
                val valgardson


                • #9
                  Cool thanks for the buble tip

                  There is some interesting pieces on your site.
                  I like the bench, thats a pretty interesting jig you have setup there for the wood carving!!


                  • #10
                    Your pics are great, val2 !
                    Will it be animated ?
                    For TV ?
                    I'd be very interessted to have info on this project !

                    Congrats !

                    Regards, Fabrice.


                    • #11

                      figuring out how to actually make the drawing of the bench was the most fun i had. I love that kind of stuff.

                      right now it's purely educational, I'm in the process of learning max and vray, i'm expanding my software base. The software i learned on isn't widely known or used (blender and yafray) I am doing each render in both sets of software. I prefer this over tutorials.

                      as for animating it's not out of the question as i have to rig the machines so I can set them up in different poses.
                      val valgardson


                      • #12
                        Hehe, seems like another use of my Studio Setup...

                        Hey val2, In my Scene i lowered the QMC Sampler for faster preview rendering.
                        Try to increase the QMC Sampler Values to get better Quality. (Maybe just look at the default Vray Values of a new Scene)

                        Nice Images and great Ideas!
                        Sascha Geddert


                        • #13
                          pleasingly surreal images val2, been a pleasure to look at

                          interesting works on your site too
                          most of their names reminded me of some songs .)

                          how did you build that bench by the way?
                          is it hollow section?
                          if not how much does it weigh ?
                          looking at the stand it's put on it shouldnt be too heavy but that much wood is always heavy somehow


                          • #14
                            thank you for the studio setup file and your comments. I'll up the QMC values and do a rerender. I'm in the middle of drawing another picture on this theme, and I don't like to stop. (i need a rendering machine and a drawing machine basically)

                            the titles for two of them actually come from soap opera's. I like the idea of coming back to something on a daily basis to see the progression, the plant grows, the machine corrects. forums are similar .

                            the bench is 24 layers of glued up 2 inch hollow sections. It's very light. maybe 150 pounds? that's a guess. the thinnest areas are one inch. It had to be light because the museum that commisioned it wanted it to move easily from gallery to gallery.
                            that cutting blade is normally used for making those wooden bears and eagles (have you seen what I'm talking about?), i figured if you could get that kind of precision and high removal of material from it. that was the tool to use.

                            the stand was to positon it in space while I carved it.
                            val valgardson


                            • #15
                              nice reminds me that game "the incredible machine"

