thanks, I will do that.
good idea. i'll try that. I have no idea what those arcs are from I was rerendering it and they weren't showing up again but I had lowered to light map subdivisions.
I think I'm going to use the file to test out lighting so all the way to a dark room at night with a lamp to as bright as possible without blowing out the the room.
interstingly enough the higher the light map bouce the more light bleeds from the walls.
my hsph is 100, interp is 20, should it be higher? my minrate is -5 and max rate is -2 so they are very low could they be contributing to the window problem? my clr thresh and nrm thresh. are .25
thanks, I will do that.
good idea. i'll try that. I have no idea what those arcs are from I was rerendering it and they weren't showing up again but I had lowered to light map subdivisions.
I think I'm going to use the file to test out lighting so all the way to a dark room at night with a lamp to as bright as possible without blowing out the the room.
interstingly enough the higher the light map bouce the more light bleeds from the walls.
my hsph is 100, interp is 20, should it be higher? my minrate is -5 and max rate is -2 so they are very low could they be contributing to the window problem? my clr thresh and nrm thresh. are .25