a few days ago it smelled like burnt plastic when rendering, so I shut down and restarted the computer. The computer was running fine again, everything seems to be ok? But in the last days my screen goes black from time to time and today I found the cause - a cable of the 3090 shows burn marks. The connector on the power supply was melted and dark on the graphics card. So this one cable got too much power.
What should I do now? Should I send the 3090 to a technical check or is it "normal" that the high current can burn weak cable connectors? The PSU is a good one from Enermax and working since years.
I am curious about your experiences. (Muhammed_Hamed , have you ever experienced something like this?)
a few days ago it smelled like burnt plastic when rendering, so I shut down and restarted the computer. The computer was running fine again, everything seems to be ok? But in the last days my screen goes black from time to time and today I found the cause - a cable of the 3090 shows burn marks. The connector on the power supply was melted and dark on the graphics card. So this one cable got too much power.
What should I do now? Should I send the 3090 to a technical check or is it "normal" that the high current can burn weak cable connectors? The PSU is a good one from Enermax and working since years.
I am curious about your experiences. (Muhammed_Hamed , have you ever experienced something like this?)