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Gpus RTX 3000 series are going to be Even cheaper for september

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  • Gpus RTX 3000 series are going to be Even cheaper for september

    Hi Muhhamed

    Well i have been reading some news, they Say nvidea is going tu cut again the prices because there is so much stock of the 3000 RTX series.

    Since You are in this business Muhhamed and use vray gpu and You know the hardware, what is been said in europe about that??

    Here in México i saw some news, gpus 3000 RTX series are going to be Even cheaper since RTX 4000 is coming in less than 1 month.

    I have been read too that nvidea and AMD didnt move right, they offer excesive prices in the beggining because the bitcoins miners increased that price and right know that the mining is finally over there is no single person buying a gpu.

    If that is the case well...that is amazing for proffesionals!!!

    What have You been read in these days about that Muhhamed??

    Finally a really decent price for a 3090 or 3080 ti
    fingers crossed to see another cut in the RTX 3000 series.!!!

    Thanks Muhhamed

  • #2
    Hey Luis,

    The current prices for RTX 3000 GPUs will not go lower than what it is now, an RTX 3090 is below 1000 Euros in most of Europe at the moment, which is really good
    While we know that prices will not go lower, we don't know for sure if they will go higher or not. If you are planning to buy GPUs now, it is not a horrible decision for 2 reasosn.
    One is that pricing is very good as discussed, and second is that 4090s and 4080s will not have NVlink. This could be a deal breaker for some people

    Let me know if you have more questions

    Muhammed Hamed
    V-Ray GPU product specialist


    • #3
      4090 also probably needs a new "smart" PSU, at least 1000W+. Also has heating issues with the connectors. If I upgrade my GPU it will be a 3090...Ive seen some for £899 in the uk. Im staying well clear of the 40 series until I upgrade my whole rig...but the 50 series will probably be out by then.

      edit...thanks Muhammed, I did mean to type PSU, not GPU...
      Last edited by seandunderdale; 29-09-2022, 10:46 AM.


      • #4
        Good point about the power supplies, a native ATX 3.0 power supply is necessary for the high-end 4xxx cards

        Muhammed Hamed
        V-Ray GPU product specialist

