I'm as excited about VrayRT on GPUs as anyone, and I'm aware there are still unsupported features, but what I found today is pretty glaring. I set up a test scene to investigate and what I found is that the only thing that VrayRT will recognize in a Mat's diffuse or reflect slot is a color or a bitmap. It renders as black when using falloff, Mix, or any combination of the above. I read that VrayBlend was unsupported but never anything about good old falloff and mix.

Is this a know issue and if so is there a workaround?
Are falloff an mix something inherently impossible with OpenCL or is this simply a temporary situation until the software matures?
These tests were run on a GTX 590 (WHQL 270.61).
Is this a know issue and if so is there a workaround?
Are falloff an mix something inherently impossible with OpenCL or is this simply a temporary situation until the software matures?
These tests were run on a GTX 590 (WHQL 270.61).