So I've built this system which has a asus z10pe-d8ws server board. I got it with 3 16 gb dimms of ddr4 ram. Now I've gone to upgrade and I got another two dimms with 32 gb each. When I slot in the new ram it won't post. I can get it to post with either just the new ram, or just the old ram. But a combo of 16 and 32 gb just don't work. I couldn't find anything about that in the manual and thought to ask if anyone has experience with that sort of thing?
Before for any supermicro boards or any dell boards I could easily mix various ram sized dmms with pretty much no problem. But in this one, I tried seating them with any order I could think of, all 32 gb for first two slots, or one 32 one 16 gb in first two slots, but nothing works.
Before for any supermicro boards or any dell boards I could easily mix various ram sized dmms with pretty much no problem. But in this one, I tried seating them with any order I could think of, all 32 gb for first two slots, or one 32 one 16 gb in first two slots, but nothing works.