Hi all,
We are currently looking at options for upgrading our hardware, specifically render nodes. Various members of our team work in a different location to the main office and as a result have their own local render nodes. We were wondering how we would go about setting up a small render farm in just one location that they could access and submit render jobs too via the internet using 3ds Max and V-Ray. Same as how Rebus Farm works I guess. Has anyone done this or looked in to this at all? We have no idea how to set this up at the moment so looking for guidance.
Thanks, and happy new year!
We are currently looking at options for upgrading our hardware, specifically render nodes. Various members of our team work in a different location to the main office and as a result have their own local render nodes. We were wondering how we would go about setting up a small render farm in just one location that they could access and submit render jobs too via the internet using 3ds Max and V-Ray. Same as how Rebus Farm works I guess. Has anyone done this or looked in to this at all? We have no idea how to set this up at the moment so looking for guidance.
Thanks, and happy new year!