I've got a possible project to put out there.
It's the creation of a wave/wake hitting a low wall, if you think a 3 ft high wall and a jet ski has just gone past.
It's a still, not animation and needs to be about 10,000 pixels wide.
Please get back to me if you can do this, I'm guessing RealFlow/Krakatoa, but it doesn't matter what you use.
I've got a possible project to put out there.
It's the creation of a wave/wake hitting a low wall, if you think a 3 ft high wall and a jet ski has just gone past.
It's a still, not animation and needs to be about 10,000 pixels wide.
Please get back to me if you can do this, I'm guessing RealFlow/Krakatoa, but it doesn't matter what you use.