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Alternate post production tools

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  • Alternate post production tools

    We have a huge project about to kick off and are currently exploring alternate post production methods, I was wondering if i'm forgetting any and wanted to start a discussion on what's out there.

    The project has a 15 month timeline for 8 people and final shot count will be somewhere around 150-180, all in 4k.
    Right now we use fusion and photoshop for everything - works great, but on larger projects neither are very automated and with a team of people working post i'd like something a little more hands off in the early stages which also allows a lot of granular control. Fusion presets would work well, but can get messy and i'm just doing my due diligence testing everything before we start.

    So far I plan to test arion fx within AE - it's got good bloom and glare, greta tonemapping, very easy to begin with a base setup across the board and tweak as needed. unfortunately it's within AE - after we've done this base look on everything, we will eventually need to get dirty with multimattes and tweak individual objects. I hate the way AE deals with masks and I think if we went this route i'd probably have a pre-comp in fusion for material and per-object tweaks, then run that export through AE for final glare & polish. Not ideal, adds an extra step to the workflow and will slow us down when we'd normally be at our busiest.
    Anyone have experience with a 2-stage post workflow like that?

    There's also magic bullet looks - another AE plugin, however i'm skeptical of it's benefit. It seems better suited for much more heavy handed pushing and grading.

    Is there anything else i'm missing? Please feel free to share all of your experiences with post production on big projects!

    I understand the answer to some of my issues is 'nuke', but it's $30,000+ to bring on board for everyone and would no doubt still need more post plugins for glares/etc. The only way to make it a palatable cost is to have a couple of people only as designated to handle ALL post production, but that's not really the way we work - everyone bounces around and it's a collaborative process throughout. a pipeline may be more efficient, but we're too small to make the most of it. anyway.
    If possible i'd like to use what we have and purchase plugins as needed - which is fusion and AE. I suspect if arionFX had a fusion plugin I wouldn't feel like I need to explore this as much.

  • #2
    natron + arionFx in AE.
    only had a brief look at natron
    (brainstorming free software only cgi shop) but looks very much like nuke. maybe enough for your needs. takes ofx plugins they say.
    Marcin Piotrowski


    • #3
      What do you need Arion FX and AE for?

      Could you run all stills and film shots through fusion and make a grade and finish macro for this project? Something that has color / tone mapping and LUT input by blend amount plus a final color correct? Have you looked at Sapphire tools for glint, glare and lensflares? Connecting a lens flare to a 3D helper is a very quick way to get nice looking and correctly moving sun and light flares.

      Is it a combination of interiors and exteriors?

      Sounds like a tough job, we now have a dedicated post person who finishes and balances all shots - but all the artists work to a standard for continuity across shots.


      • #4
        Originally posted by squintnic View Post
        Could you run all stills and film shots through fusion and make a grade and finish macro for this project? Something that has color / tone mapping and LUT input by blend amount plus a final color correct?
        This is exactly where we ended up! Got the macros and files set up, half way through documenting the workflow so everyone on the team follows the rules.
        We did some tests and managed to get by with something pretty simple after changing our workflow to match - the project is vast, but it's a lot of shared assets between shots so we're adjusting the process to be more 'asset' based - the idea being we trust what we put in and whatever comes out is what we deal with. No rendering passes to make fabrics look fluffier or leaving color matching to post - we're putting assets in front of the client for approval out of context in a studio scene, and once approved we move them to one side.
        Final scenes should be more of a paint by numbers process - should help us manage the files better too. It's more regimented than I usually like to work, but it's the only way we're going to pull this off.


        • #5
          Good to hear please report back with how it went! We are constantly looking at streamlining our large projects in this same way but still end up derailed but its getting tighter but still relies as much on client contact and management as the pipeline.
          Is this job a residential one?


          • #6
            Timeline for this has delivery in 2020, maybe i'll get you an nda and let you know how it's going before then...
            It is residential, but also has a big public component. the work we're putting in makes it bigger than 432 park avenue though - easily the largest project we've ever taken on by a good way.

