conform brush is great, but i need to selectively , and precisely apply a conform to part of a mesh, using soft selection to blend smoothly from non-conformed to conformed areas.
while conform brush works with soft selection, it also kinda doesnt.
i dont want to paint, i wish to simply conform using soft selection.
if i use brush, i have to paint over mesh, which at 1 million polys plus, gets me about 1 brush position update a year. due to this, its impossible to get it all perfectly with one stroke. zooming out till brush is bigger than model doesnt seem to work well either.
if it doesnt work on first pass, i have to brush a second stroke.. and doing that means even if selected area is already 100% conformed, the soft selected area gets closer to target mesh on second stroke of brush. unless this aligns perfectly with first brush stroke, i get steps and wobbles in soft select area.
given a difficult shaped 3d object, i generally have to rotate model doing numerous strokes with brush to conform all nicely.. leaving soft selected area a right mess.
is there an equivalent to conform brush wiich works, ideally as a modifier and respects stack selection?
if not, why not? engine is there and works.
also if not, can somebody please make one for me in the next couple of days?
-edit- i know there is the conform spacewarp, but it works differently and does not appear to have a "face normals" direction for conforming, just a scene axis. my objects are 3d . not planes.
while conform brush works with soft selection, it also kinda doesnt.
i dont want to paint, i wish to simply conform using soft selection.
if i use brush, i have to paint over mesh, which at 1 million polys plus, gets me about 1 brush position update a year. due to this, its impossible to get it all perfectly with one stroke. zooming out till brush is bigger than model doesnt seem to work well either.
if it doesnt work on first pass, i have to brush a second stroke.. and doing that means even if selected area is already 100% conformed, the soft selected area gets closer to target mesh on second stroke of brush. unless this aligns perfectly with first brush stroke, i get steps and wobbles in soft select area.
given a difficult shaped 3d object, i generally have to rotate model doing numerous strokes with brush to conform all nicely.. leaving soft selected area a right mess.
is there an equivalent to conform brush wiich works, ideally as a modifier and respects stack selection?
if not, why not? engine is there and works.
also if not, can somebody please make one for me in the next couple of days?
-edit- i know there is the conform spacewarp, but it works differently and does not appear to have a "face normals" direction for conforming, just a scene axis. my objects are 3d . not planes.