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so vlado you're doing a bit of working out or not? ;)

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  • so vlado you're doing a bit of working out or not? ;)

    hmm I'm not sure if I'm right but from the photo
    I'm guessing that vlado is doing some working out in his spare time
    Am I right vlado?If so share your workout program (I'm courious). Me, I also don't want to sit all day in front of the pc so 3 times a week there's dumbell and barrel time . Anyone else here is practising any sport activity exept moving mouse
    Luke Szeflinski
    :: cgi

  • #2
    man... that is an old photo... what was that? 2002 San Antonio?


    • #3
      ya for all we know, he's totally let himself go... He might even look like me now if hes really been lazy....

      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


      • #4
        If the man can create Vray - he can master the liquify feature in Photoshop...

        Oh btw lukx, I saw your backflip videos. Pretty impressive. How many times did you hit your head?
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #5
          Hey lukx, pretty cool videos you have there

          I'm doing no sports at all, but I'm planning on doing something, it's very important imo. I played badminton for about 10 years, untill school began to suck up all of time (I mean, untill I found out about computers and 3D )

          Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


          • #6
            Originally posted by jujubee
            How many times did you hit your head?
            well...I still remember my name...I guess...? But the truth is that I didn't hit my head, well maybe once and it was after I've finally got the trick and was trying it over and over and it was because of exaustion. But as they say no pain no gain =). cause there is so many funky tricks to learn. During this time I've leran hand walking (soon new video=)). Here on Cyrpus I'm looking for some gimnastic gym but people here are so f&^&*$ lazy that it will be mirracle if I finally manage to find it. Till this time I got the beach (also soon will post frontflip into the cyrpus sea=).
            Luke Szeflinski
            :: cgi


            • #7
              Cool, when did you move from poland to cyprus?
              Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


              • #8
                8 months ago damn, time is running so fast.
                Luke Szeflinski
                :: cgi


                • #9
                  Re: so vlado you're doing a bit of working out or not?

                  Originally posted by lukx
                  hmm I'm not sure if I'm right but from the photo
                  I'm guessing that vlado is doing some working out in his spare time
                  Am I right vlado? If so share your workout program (I'm courious). Me, I also don't want to sit all day in front of the pc so 3 times a week there's dumbell and barrel time . Anyone else here is practising any sport activity exept moving mouse
                  Yes, I still do quite regularly It's no good sitting in front of a computer all day long...

                  Best regards,
                  I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


                  • #10
                    HA! I knew it! Respect man! Keep it up!
                    Luke Szeflinski
                    :: cgi


                    • #11
                      Anyone else here is practising any sport activity exept moving mouse.
                      I started weightlifting and running two months ago using the 'Body for Life' workout plan. This book takes a common sense approach to exercise and eating healthy. Two months later I'm in the best shape of my life and I can lift around 20-40 lbs. more than when I started out. I really recommend it.
                      LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                      HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                      Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                      • #12
                        yep, running and proper eating is the key. I'm running every day to work and watch out what I'm eating. We got office at first floor and my heart hurts when I see 30-40 years old guys using elevator to get to the office. I will never understand how people can be so lazy. But the funniest thing here on Cyprus is that almoust every guy here is trying to look like macho They putting on themself those tight t-shirts and walk like they they own the world. But those tight t-shirts are only showing their unshaped arms and 90cm+ shaking waists . But what you can expect from people eating huge amounts of fries, fat food, drinking all the time something that have sugar in it, eating after 10pm and moving everywhere by car. But as I noticed here, you can look like elephant but if you got a nice car and a lot of gel in your hair than the world of cyprus women is yours
                        Luke Szeflinski
                        :: cgi


                        • #13
                          note to self: buy some gel...
                          Eric Boer


                          • #14
                            true, true
                            Luke Szeflinski
                            :: cgi


                            • #15
                              lukx -

                              Sounds like healthy living, but by the end of your post, it sounds all a waste....

                              J. Scott Smith Visual Designs

                              FB Fan Page:

