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so vlado you're doing a bit of working out or not? ;)

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  • #16
    hehe, belive me if you saw women here you won't take it as waste. really don't think that they live more healthy then their boyfriends 16 years girls look like they soon will give birth.
    Luke Szeflinski
    :: cgi


    • #17
      For those who watch tv regularly, hide the remote, it's great to stay in shape
      Aversis 3D | Download High Quality HDRI Maps | Vray Tutorials | Free Texture Maps


      • #18
        Yes, but it's killing my back to keep getting up.
        Remember the "old" tvs with the knobs you had to actually turn?

        I wonder how many loafers are treated annually for "remote thumb".
        J. Scott Smith Visual Designs

        FB Fan Page:


        • #19
          mmmm im curious to see these videos now


          • #20
            I can recommend contender sailing. Get out on the wire and very soon you feel every single muscle in your body. Computerwork is very dangerous for mens health. People use to laugh about a sentence like that but its very very true.



            • #21
              Hey, im in a perfect (rounded) shape guys.

              I only work for 16 hours a day in front of the pc, since i have no time for me i think im going to start playing squash again, I´ve heard that natty is a squash champion , maybe one day we could meet and make a vray squash worldwide champioship.

              I bet you all can beat me easy since im smooking a pack of marlboros in a day now...

              damn cigars



              • #22
                Hey Ron,
                The contender looks like fun but I still prefer my Flying Fifteen in about 25 knots of breeze with the kite up. (sailing rocks as well as V-ray).



                • #23
                  yeah I've been doing pretty good about eating healthy and regular exercise....I used to play quite a bit of soccer while living in italy, but in the US is harder to find people to do it.

                  So I like to run about 5 miles, bike about 8 and walk about two at least 3 times a week, and sometimes take long bike rides during the weekend.....I think working out and eating well is even more important in our line of work then in other job types....



                  • #24
                    yep, running and proper eating is the key. I'm running every day to work and watch out what I'm eating. We got office at first floor and my heart hurts when I see 30-40 years old guys using elevator to get to the office. I will never understand how people can be so lazy. But the funniest thing here on Cyprus is that almoust every guy here is trying to look like macho Very Happy They putting on themself those tight t-shirts and walk like they they own the world. But those tight t-shirts are only showing their unshaped arms and 90cm+ shaking waists Very Happy. But what you can expect from people eating huge amounts of fries, fat food, drinking all the time something that have sugar in it, eating after 10pm and moving everywhere by car. But as I noticed here, you can look like elephant but if you got a nice car and a lot of gel in your hair than the world of cyprus women is yours
                    u got no idea what u r talking about...
                    You described 15-20% of population.

                    They putting on themself those tight t-shirts and walk like they they own the world. But those tight t-shirts are only showing their unshaped arms and 90cm+ shaking waists Very Happy. But what you can expect from people eating huge amounts of fries, fat food, drinking all the time something that have sugar in it, eating after 10pm and moving everywhere by car.
                    All nooby foreighners complain about cypriots... but is ok.
                    And show this paragraph to your boss (Stelios), he is gonna like it.



                    • #25
                      you two..... (insert avatar shaking finger)

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • #26
                        show this paragraph to your boss (Stelios), he is gonna like it.
                        LoL. Do you know his boss? And does he look like this?

                        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                        • #27
                          nope he look like this (company policy or something, had to remove pic=)) and he's really nice guy and it doesn't change my opinion that eating junk food and not moving around is unhealty but anynone can live like he want and it doesn't mean that I ain't gonna like this person. Everyone I work with knows what I think about staying in good shape and that I have no respect for lazyness. I'm just saying that it's unhealthy and I never would like to become rolling ball. Damn ezrhythm you're not even cypriot and defend them like it was your family or something. "You described 15-20% of population." you got eyes?
                          Luke Szeflinski
                          :: cgi


                          • #28
                            Stelios in fact he is a very nice guy... i agree.

                            Damn ezrhythm you're not even cypriot and defend them like it was your family or something. "You described 15-20% of population." you got eyes?
                            You know nothing... i grew up here. My family are half cypriots... If you are running in the morning in your Flip-flops - this is your own business. Stay in shape... let the other live as they wish to live.
                            You dont like this country? >>> Flight ZU534 every Monday @ 8:00


                            • #29
                              "let the other live as they wish to live" that exaclty what I'm doing and I don't get it why you though different.
                              "You dont like this country? >>> Flight ZU534 every Monday @ 8:00"
                              when did I say I don't like this country, can you remind me?
                              I'm just writing what I've noticed. I was in many different countries (itally, hungary, germany, greece, USA) and never saw so many lazy people.Comon I never ever even dream about seeing guy on the petrol station filling petrol tank in his car with cigarette in his mouth.
                              Oh and maybe you don't know, becuase you never did it but you're suppose to run in sport shoes not "Flip-fops" [/quote]
                              Luke Szeflinski
                              :: cgi


                              • #30
                                I was in many different countries (itally, hungary, germany, greece, USA) and never saw so many lazy people.
                                LOL. We're pretty fat in the US except for in the major cities and college towns (and California where the weather permits). Don't fool yourself...
                                LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                                HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                                Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog

