ive updated a material in a scene. now i need to update in other scenes so they match.
when i bring the material in using the material editor (opening the max file as a material library) i get a duplicate of the sun and the geometry its linked to merged in too..
if i delete that sun or the geometry, it deletes my current sun as well. if i then undo the delete, the rogue sun is invisible in the viewport, but selectable.
if i turn off the new sun, my old one turns off as well... its totally screwed my scene.
i redid the import from scratch, (plus a load of other changes i made) first renaming the sun etc in the source scene so i could tell what was what. keeping an eye for stuff being imported.. this time it seemed ok... i did a render, all ok..
then i opened material editor to tweak a different material, set another render off, and BOOM the duplicate sun is present again.
the materials i was importing dont have direct links to the stuff its bringing in (i.e. they do not have references to the sun in the maps) however the linkages in the scene are pretty complex, i believe the imported material is on an object that is linked to another object which contains a different material with a map that references to the sun....
when i bring the material in using the material editor (opening the max file as a material library) i get a duplicate of the sun and the geometry its linked to merged in too..
if i delete that sun or the geometry, it deletes my current sun as well. if i then undo the delete, the rogue sun is invisible in the viewport, but selectable.
if i turn off the new sun, my old one turns off as well... its totally screwed my scene.
i redid the import from scratch, (plus a load of other changes i made) first renaming the sun etc in the source scene so i could tell what was what. keeping an eye for stuff being imported.. this time it seemed ok... i did a render, all ok..
then i opened material editor to tweak a different material, set another render off, and BOOM the duplicate sun is present again.
the materials i was importing dont have direct links to the stuff its bringing in (i.e. they do not have references to the sun in the maps) however the linkages in the scene are pretty complex, i believe the imported material is on an object that is linked to another object which contains a different material with a map that references to the sun....