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look what maxwell can do in 345 hours !!!

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  • look what maxwell can do in 345 hours !!!

    the longest render I ever saw. was it worth waiting?
    I leave this question unanswered...

  • #2
    WOW ...... no comment ..


    • #3
      ok thats just too funny for words. so ill use an image (with words)

      hehe. it really does. but hey. in their defence its still an alpha (or beta i forget) renderer.

      MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
      stupid questions the forum can answer.


      • #4
        Was that a test rendering? Looks like he needs to adjust the lighting a bit. Hmm... Tweak - wait 345 hours - tweak - wait 345 hours.......


        • #5
          Guys guys... Maxwell did not make that render. The artist did. He/she decided that 1- Maxwell was the right tool, 2- 345 hours was worth the wait, that is his/her choice. I can easily make a render in Vray that lasts 345 hours. BTW. 345 hours is 10 days. And 345 hours at lets say $30/hour is around $10k. Would it be worth it? Question is, can you make a render in Maxwell that is 20 mins? I am sure you can.... maybe not now, but some day.


          • #6
            I dont think we're doing ourselves much justice when we poke fun at other renderers. Ive seen chris defend vray and its methods to alot of hardnose, stubborn renderman types.

            And while I agree the render might not be all that and a cupcake, and vray could have done the same thing in 20 minutes, I hope we can be above raggin on others.

            Ive been critical of maxwell in the past, but you have to remember, your not just beating on maxwell, but this guys hard work.

            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #7
              Well said Percy... and the truth is that, regardless of the rendertimes, it is undeniable that Maxwell is creating waves. We may not have PPT and the new Physical Sky in Vray if it was not for Maxwell. So we can thank them for that.


              • #8
                Maxwell is a great tool, I'm wating for the final release....there are amazing images...very realistic ones, but it's one more tool as Vray.

                Maxwell in some cases is not slow if you compare with the quality...using the maximun quality in Vray also takes for ever....the beauty of Vray is that one has options

                would see, Next Limit is doing a very good job
                show me the money!!


                • #9
                  does anyone here still use PPT?

                  MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
                  stupid questions the forum can answer.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cpnichols
                    ..BTW. 345 hours is 10 days...
                    I'm not sure where you're from (perhaps Mars?), but over here, a day only has 24 hours.


                    • #11
                      lol i suppose his math might be a tad off. And I didn't know it was standard to charge clients strictly for rendertime. But I dont think that was his main point.

                      "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


                      • #12
                        lets not start another thread about how vray is better then maxwell...its all been said before:
                        its not the tool its the artist who uses it.
                        Dmitry Vinnik
                        Silhouette Images Inc.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Morbid Angel
                          lets not start another thread about how vray is better then maxwell...its all been said before:
                          its not the tool its the artist who uses it.
                          well said!
                          many ppl here use more than 1 render software..
                          we've all seen bad images in all rendering engines
                          *phew* glad there still isn't an 'automatic render' button
                          Needs more cowbell


                          • #14
                            345hours WOW.... ahhh yeah thats ALOT.

                            Its a decent enough render tho I guess. But I dont think maxwell could have changed that.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by olitech
                              *phew* glad there still isn't an 'automatic render' button
                              There aint no "automatic artist" button either. Wait I think it is Alt-F6

