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Matrix Revolutions - ending

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  • #31
    Dmitry Vinnik
    Silhouette Images Inc.


    • #32
      I remember reading an article which quated Stephen Hawkins saying something to the effect that if we didn't come up with a way to learn in a similar way to jacking in we would at some point be taken over by machines.
      -----Dwayne D. Ellis-----


      • #33
        I also recall Stephen Hawking publicly recalling some of his previous hypothesis.
        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


        • #34
          Originally posted by jujubee
          I also recall Stephen Hawking publicly recalling some of his previous hypothesis.
          lol, yeah, hawking knows nothing because he changed his mind once.
          Eric Boer


          • #35
            Just wondering... how many of you knew anything about the whole cyperpunk movement in literature BEFORE the matrix? I'm only saying because I often see people that think the Matrix came up with this idea, when this type of Sci-Fi has been around for a LONG time. If you are interesred, I would suggest you read some books by William Gibson, or Rudy Rucker. Rucker, is more enjoyable to me, since his books have a lot of humor in them and they take it much less seriously. He also is a professor of math and cs, and my uncle.


            • #36
              Originally posted by cpnichols
              Just wondering... how many of you knew anything about the whole cyperpunk movement in literature BEFORE the matrix? I'm only saying because I often see people that think the Matrix came up with this idea, when this type of Sci-Fi has been around for a LONG time. If you are interesred, I would suggest you read some books by William Gibson, or Rudy Rucker. Rucker, is more enjoyable to me, since his books have a lot of humor in them and they take it much less seriously. He also is a professor of math and cs, and my uncle.
              movement? what movement? matrix? what is the matrix? imo we are all jacket in and we dont know it
              Dmitry Vinnik
              Silhouette Images Inc.


              • #37
                and of course "do andriods dream of electric sheep?" by phillip K. Dick is worth a read.
                val valgardson


                • #38
                  Phillip K. Dick - he's the scifi master IMO...
                  LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                  HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                  Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                  • #39
                    Hmm ...i think Matrix is different, because it uses a semi religous story for the mtv generation by useing some quotes from the bible.

                    btw, one of the real Masters of Scifi is Stanislaw Lem.
                    He's the master of his very special Scifi universe. ..did you remember the original Solyaris/Solaris movie from 1972? ..this movie was way ahead it's time. 2c.
           | - home of hdri knowledge


                    • #40
                      The interesting thing is there seems to be those who like it for what it is(entertainment) and those who are taking it too seriously, and in those camps they either really loved it or they hate it with such venom. And yes it was not entirely original, hardly anything is these days if you really examine it. It was brought to the masses in a visually(vfx) pleasing way which is what most people where talking about at the time of release, mostly the special effects not what did it mean.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Dschaga
                        Hmm ...i think Matrix is different, because it uses a semi religous story for the mtv generation by useing some quotes from the bible.

                        btw, one of the real Masters of Scifi is Stanislaw Lem.
                        He's the master of his very special Scifi universe. ..did you remember the original Solyaris/Solaris movie from 1972? ..this movie was way ahead it's time. 2c.
                        Not sci-fi... cyberpunk... big difference. Solaris is not really cyberpunk. The main issue with the cyberpunk and cinema is that does not translate well. The books are very cerebral and not visual at all. There were a few attempts like Lawnmower man and Johnny Mnemonic, but boy did those suck. The Matrix was the first one to successfully bring it to the masses.... mainly because the masses don't read and like to watch movies.

                        Religion is always a part of it dude... or lack of religion.... remember when Chaos theory was the new hot subject... cyberpunk turned that into a religion?

                        I think the reason that the Matrix was successfull was that it found a way to keep the general message clear (human interaction with the cyberworld), and keep it really dumb and simple... and seduced people with pretty images.... eye candy helps. The books get into so much more detail that you have to put them down every 10 mins just to digest.... makes the Matrix seem like baby food. Nonetheless I impressed that it was able to do what so many have failed to do, and that is bring cyberpunk to the big screen and not suck at it.


                        • #42
                          sci-fi is a great way to tell old stories. more often then not they are morality tales. R heinlein "a stranger in strange land" (the story of christ) ET (the story of Christ). Basically I would put money down that any story where your hero is reserected in some way is the story of christ.

                          People have used it to criticize the powers that be without doing it overtly. There was a great book called "a heart of a dog" (can't remember the author) commenting on the communist government of the day.

                          the other one is that they are cautionary tales. 1984, a brave new world, farenhiet 451, etc, etc,

                          I love it when it all comes together and is a sea of parinioa.
                          val valgardson


                          • #43
                            Yep i say read altered carbon by Richard Morgan. For cyberpunk try the Ghost in shell series or movies.

                            Long live the laughing man.

