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AGH! Warez Attack!

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  • AGH! Warez Attack!

    Now on CGTalk under the announcement of vray 1.5, a user registered here too, with a grand total of one post in the FREE section, uploaded an image done with 1.49.77 to show the fast SSS.
    While the user's here, i reckon he's got no access whatsoever to the core of the forum, as he rendered a purely QMC image with an adaptive AA, and arbitrary sampling for the QMC based effects.
    Of the two one, say i: he either discovered something about the vray usage we do not know, or he's a warez monkey.
    Or maybe i am again just ranting at the wind, and he is a registered betatester wich knows nothing of the vray's workflow (showing us how much better the adaptive AA got with the newer releases?), or a registered betatester which makes personal decisions quite opposite to the ones i'd make, in which case i'd like to hear his reasons, as i might learn something deeply new and disconcerting.

    End of rant.


  • #2
    well 1.48 is all over the web and half of the (legit) users here played with it already, i suspect. didn't you notice, all the sun/sky discussions?
    in any case, it's no big deal.
    it will be interesting though, if 1.5 with dongle will cracked that fast too.
    Marc Lorenz
    ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


    • #3
      do you know of ANY HWlock that wasn't?

      on the guy, what bothers me is that he's slumping around giving out inaccurate infos, like an arbitrary image with no vray watermark on (which can be faked anyways, but it's a bit more elaborate), an arbitrary rendertime, and an inefficient method to calc it.
      That's all.
      I'm under no illusion of the "purity" of the scene, legit and not, no worries
      It's just having it mix with official news gives me the creeps.



      • #4
        Theres a version of 1.49 linked in the vrayfree forum, could do with deleting that.
        Someone I know found that when reading up on vray, and was pretty much amazed that he could find the full version newer than most of the users have access to on the forum

        Slightly annoying, especially when they act like smug bastards about it.

        Does anyone have a link to the CGtalk thread?


        • #5
          i heard that older beta versions were modified with fake version numbers, so the 'about' dialog would say 1.50 but the binaries were still 1.48, etc.
          pretty stupid.
          Marc Lorenz
          ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


          • #6
            Re: AGH! Warez Attack!

            Originally posted by studioDIM
            uploaded an image done with 1.49.77

            1.49.77 uhmm, i wonder what version we will be given...1.50? or 1.50.something?
            I surely hope this new version doesnt include some major unnoticed could hurt vray badly. Anyway, I m seeing a tsunami of new (legit) users spreading along the forum, cos afaik, lots of people were waiting for 1.5 to purchase a copy of vray, which will mean a sales boost for Chaos.

            But be ready for questions like: how do i connect the global illumination, my mirror sphere which is the only object in a scene doesn´t reflect anything or how i can convert a hand drawn character in a paper to 3d...

            Hopefully, we will be too busy testing the new features to really take the time to rant about anything but the shutter and aperture priority of the new physical cam.
            My Youtube VFX Channel -
            Sonata in motion - My first VFX short film made with VRAY.
            Sunset Day - My upcoming VFX short:


            • #7
              ahah, i for one man!



              • #8
                I'll go grab the pitchforks!

                -- DJ


                • #9
                  How about some stakes . . . and watch them hemmorage on their own weight!

                  I jest . . . or do I? :P
                  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

                  "DR or Die!"


                  • #10
                    I have it on good authority that the guy who posted on CGTALk is a no good warez monkey. Who is lying thru his teeth.

                    And the good authority is me

                    He slipped up and now im certain he is talking BS, just need to get a little more proof before I publically rip him apart on cgtalk


                    • #11
                      Heck, rip him apart for the sake of it.

                      What a crappy render

                      -- DJ


                      • #12
                        I thought Corey (ASGVis) said one of those guys in the free section was a legitimate Vray for Rhino user and that version was properly release - also allowing access to the main forum.
                        LunarStudio Architectural Renderings
                        HDRSource HDR & sIBL Libraries
                        Lunarlog - LunarStudio and HDRSource Blog


                        • #13
                          He did, but it wasnt this guy.

                          This guy is like 18, and has renders with maxwell, vray and i think brazil. Not to mention photoshop max 7 and max 8. And he is a student.
                          That just SCREAMS warez monkey to me.

                          Thats just one of the reason i think he is a warez monkey


                          • #14
                            Anyone got a link to the thread? I still cant find it.

                            Not knowing any more, I'm gonna have to side with Daforce on that - While there are 18 year olds with all legit software, theyre the few who are doing it for a living already and warez/pirated music/torrents are a big thing with students.

                            Watch us get proven wrong now... itll turn out he's a beta tester for all that software because he's a god of an artist and also happens to know vlado personally.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cubiclegangster
                              Anyone got a link to the thread? I still cant find it.
                              here it is:


