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Anybody have problems with Windows x64

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  • #16
    What Nforce drivers is everyone using with winx64 and Tyan S2895 (K8WE)?
    The different options have always confused me.
    Patrick Macdonald
    Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


    • #17
      i am using the x64 driver package directly from the tyan website:
      there are some newer drivers at the nvidia homepage but since everything is running fine right now i'll stick with this release.


      • #18
        Yea, thats what I'm using aswell. I noticed that there's a seperate download for the 8131 PCI-X Bus filter controller. I'm going to try installing this and see if that fixes my problems (And hopefully doesnt create any new ones)
        Patrick Macdonald
        Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max


        • #19
          Im stuck in the same boat. After 2 days of use, my new x64 based pc crashed running dual monitors...

          The problem: Booting to windows I get a blue screen of death and the system reboots.

          I'm at a point where what works is completely uninstalling my nvidia display drivers and running standard VGA. If I try to reinstall nvidia I crash again on boot up.

          Im such at a loss at this point Im thinking of just scrapping XP PRO 64 and putting in standard XP until vista 64 comes out. Lameness, I got 4gb too...


          • #20
            does this happen as well in safe mode?
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            • #21
              I'm at a point where what works is completely uninstalling my nvidia display drivers and running standard VGA. If I try to reinstall nvidia I crash again on boot up.
              i had some problems with the latest nvidia display driver, not a crash but unexpected lines on my monitor and sometimes the screen just freezed...after installing the previous version of the driver everything was fine...


              • #22
                Safe mode works perfectly. That is how I am able to uninstall the drivers once i cannot boot up in windows.

                Any ideas would be much appreciated. I first thought after reading a forum post that my 2070sb monitor did not have 64bit support, so I hacked the INF driver file with a tag to make the system believe that it was compatible
                That didnt seem to work. I have also tried 4 different CRTs and all crash on bootup to windows.

                Also tried a system restore. Also tried the new Beta nvidia drivers.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Olli96
                  I'm at a point where what works is completely uninstalling my nvidia display drivers and running standard VGA. If I try to reinstall nvidia I crash again on boot up.
                  i had some problems with the latest nvidia display driver, not a crash but unexpected lines on my monitor and sometimes the screen just freezed...after installing the previous version of the driver everything was fine...
                  Thats a good idea. Nvidia website only displays the latest official driver for x64. Where can I have a look at the previous versions? Using a Quadro fx 1500 as well.


                  • #24
                    older geforce drivers can be found here:
                    older quadro drivers here:


                    • #25
                      Previous drivers do not work. I talked to nvidia and they claim under my conditions that the graphics card is faulty. PNY is sending me a new one under warranty. I just hope its the video card and not anything driver related.

                      Thanks for the tips. I know what they mean when they say power has its price. Well, maybe they dont say that but it seems to fit.



                      • #26
                        i have a dual core / win 64 setup and had lots of crashes with after effects but not in max.

                        i installed the newest cpu driver and a new dual core utility from the amd website. the drivers have been updated about a week ago.

                        the crashes in after effects are gone now.
                        Reflect, repent and reboot.
                        Order shall return.


                        • #27
                          Wowser! I didn't expect so many responses - I'll try all these things!


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by tammo
                            i have a dual core / win 64 setup and had lots of crashes with after effects but not in max.

                            i installed the newest cpu driver and a new dual core utility from the amd website. the drivers have been updated about a week ago.

                            the crashes in after effects are gone now.
                            What cpu driver was that?

                            I just installed the 8131 PCI-X Bus filter controller and things seem to be running ok now.... no system freezes.... but its early days yet!

                            It looks like the dual core utility doesnt work with opterons.
                            Patrick Macdonald
                            Lighting TD : Developer of "Mission Control", the spreadsheet editor for 3ds Max

