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Fighting for Workstation Upgrades

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  • #16
    Here's how you explain it to him:

    New machines of XXXX configuration, costing $$$$ each will cut the average amount of work per project from 45hrs to 40hrs, netting a savings of 5hrs x $cost/hr. So the cost of the new machines will be paid off by the savings produced in just Y projects. After that it's profit.

    If he only understands the numbers, explain it to him in terms of the numbers. I have to do the same thing when I want a new machine (since my work is outside the scope of most of the office, so I need a different configuration). I pull up a couple options, do cost vs. performance comparisons and propose the options, with my recommendation, and why.


    • #17
      dynedain, you need to wrtie a dessertation on this
      Dmitry Vinnik
      Silhouette Images Inc.


      • #18
        I am in the trenches here with Beestee. I am certain this is going to be an ongoing battle since it has for the past 3 years already. This most current endeavor to get upgrades we actually have the IT department on our side. It is just acquiring the approval of Senior management. I greatly appreciate everyones comments.


        • #19
          I used to work for a company that would not invest in hard/software. I was left with a 3 year old machine and when a large project came in that machine couldn't open the model. I requested more ram and it took 9 weeks to be purchased, which left me doing virtually nothing for that period !

          I soon after left and set up our own company with a friend and its going magic. Now I have the final say in what gets purchased and what doesn't so, the company can move and respond to the market alot quicker than having to wait for a tight fisted boss to pull his wallet out of his ar*e.

          Unfortunately, if the boss person is tight - you will have an untold miserable time getting anything out of them. And when they do spend money, they want to see 500% increase in productivity over night.

