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Rugby World Cup

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  • #16
    Originally posted by joconnell
    Originally posted by Jonferimonic
    No problem, we'll bring back Tana Umaga (the predator) to replace them!
    I'd say it'd be interesting to see tana playing ireland again - there's a few flankers that wouldn't mind a run at him - slightly more direct than luke mcallister - aaron mauger seems to be the targeted weakness in your back five at the mo...
    Is there a bit of bad blood there or something with Tana?


    • #17
      himself and kevin mealamu took out brian o'driscoll in the first play of the lions tour and umaga retired soon after - there's new laws on spear tackles since the thing was such a big affair.


      • #18
        Fair enough, big brutal hits are part of the game but not something like that which can end a players career.
        Reminds me of Richard Lowe who used to go for players eyes (with his fingers) if he thought the cameras werent on him.
        And another player called Hopoati (not an all black..) who got ridiculed out of the game cause his 'defense' tactic in a maul was to put his finger up another players rear end and it was caught on camera and plastered all over the tabloids!


        • #19
          Oh yeah - heard about that guy - you'd be a bit wary of him in the showers after a game...


          • #20
            Nuno de Castro

            00351 917593145


            • #21

              few of the local pubs had these up after the O' Driscoll assault.

              Its gonna be great, I reckon France and SA to be worth a bet.

              'ass gouging' now thats disturbing

              Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


              • #22
                I used to play rugby in high school and I loved it. It took me away from my love of football (thats like soccer but with a funny shaped ball and these guys were funny get ups like Gridiron. I am sure you guys have seen it.) Anyway I have a friend who knows of a local pub that will show all of the games. Cant wait.


                • #23
                  Thats pretty funny, he could just as easily be off crimewatch with that mugshot.

                  I wouldnt put my money on SA, unless they can pull their injured players back to the frontline in time. Their last match of the tri-nations was half their b-side although they still played quite well.

                  Yeah ass-gouging is now a national joke, its common to hear someone saying they are gonna 'Hopoati' you if you mess with them.


                  • #24
                    Or give you a belt of a handbag - how much did it get sold for in the end?


                    • #25
                      how much did it get sold for in the end?
                      whats that John?

                      Accept that some days you are the pigeon, and some days you are the statue.


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by joconnell
                        himself and kevin mealamu took out brian o'driscoll in the first play of the lions tour and umaga retired soon after - there's new laws on spear tackles since the thing was such a big affair.
                        Good tackle wasnt it!!!

                        Im a kiwi living in australia so the only games I can see are the aussie games........
                        Chris Jackson


                        • #27
                          Hey man! I knew there was another kiwi out there.

                          Does that mean you missed some of the tri-nations matches? Bummer.

                          Whats it like working with a bunch of aussies, i bet its heaps of fun during the cricket/rugger etc..


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by joconnell
                            Or give you a belt of a handbag - how much did it get sold for in the end?
                            What do you mean mate? Its early, im still a little slow..


                            • #29
                              Tana umaga was in a night club with some of the other team - one of the players got a bit out of hand so he grabbed some womans handbag and battered the guy with it - she sold it on ebay afterwards for some silly amount.

                     has streams of all the tri-nations stuff too.


                              • #30
                                No way! I miss out heaps of news like that being stuck in an office over here. Wonder where I can get a copy of the New Zealand Herald day to day..

                                Thanks for the link too, ill check it out at lunch.

