I only dealt with what was at hand, and have even been told of amateurism.
Rendering big is no issue with vray, and the the time taken increases linearly with the MPx rendered, so that to me would be a no issue.
What would be nice to see it's extensiblity, ease of pipeline integration in something other than archviz, shading flexibility, scriptability, and so on.
But given the reactions to a simple archviz image, I'll happily leave these tests from when I'll have to experience it firsthand from within an actual company.
Rendering big is no issue with vray, and the the time taken increases linearly with the MPx rendered, so that to me would be a no issue.
What would be nice to see it's extensiblity, ease of pipeline integration in something other than archviz, shading flexibility, scriptability, and so on.
But given the reactions to a simple archviz image, I'll happily leave these tests from when I'll have to experience it firsthand from within an actual company.