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Michael Jackson concert. Last one ever !

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  • #31
    Well, as my mum would say regarding people having different likes/opinions...thats what makes the world an interesting place...

    I personally enjoy any type of really does depend on my mood and my situation. Sometimes something I really didnt like can have a completely different feel when im outside the situation i was listening to it originally.

    You do remind me of my dad though. Once hes made up his mind he doesnt like something theres really no changing that...

    Being taken advantage of is a sure sign of that person being trusting and naive and also how very skilled some people are of being able to manipulate and twist things to their advantage. As I said before, money is a great motivator for some people...It wouldnt surprise me at some point there was a news item that proved something for sure about MJ and then everyone would realise how much bullshit there is floating around that can be turned into nasty attacks on people. But of course, by then its already too late because as soon as you tar someone with a brush a lot of people already think thats fact...and difficult to shake off.

    With regards to the baby. If any celebrity (especially as big as MJ) does a thing wrong it gets plasterd all over the papers. Are you saying that every celebrity makes mistakes on purpose to gain exposure ? I dont think thats the case...maybe its just a case of everyone is human. I dont think anyone would have advised MJ to try and gain exposure through that kind of act.


    My Portfolio


    • #32
      Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
      Theres also enough footage of him on youtube for every age group to see what an amazing performance he does.

      Nuno de Castro
      00351 917593145


      • #33
        Well true, but I still think his performance in the up and coming concerts will be good.

        Wow, does everyone hear really dislike his music that much or is it a case of "lets jump on the bandwagon of this argument because I have no real views on the subject"....


        My Portfolio


        • #34
          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
          From wikipedia.
          If Wikipedia says so, it must be true.

          Lele - you appear to be rather selective of your own quotes. Whilst the one you self-quoted suggests it is your own personal view, other statements do have a pompous air about them which is probably a reason why this thread has gone on as long as it has...and I don't even like 'Mikey' all that much .

          Steve's mum hits the nail on the head I think.

          Personally, I think he's a bit of a nob-head, but I don't mind some of his music every once in a while.
          Kind Regards,
          Richard Birket



          • #35
            Sure as hell, nutters are everywhere.
            The difference between a normal person doing such a thing, and him, is that a normal person would be convicted for child abuse, his child taken away from him, and likely no media would cover it.
            To him, it's publicity, and no punishment, as money and fame talk.
            Then again, keep portraying him as a naive victim of the system he fed off for so long, and justify it all with the word "humanity", if you so please.
            Stiff and unwieldy as i may appear, i won't buy any of his antics as acceptable, as i wouldn't from any other human being.
            There are laws, moral codes, and social behaviors which everyone else has to abide by, and that seem to brush off this type of characters because of one reason or the other.
            Still, the fact that they go unpunished buys no more respect or understanding from me (Cfr. the Italian Prime minister and his custom-made laws for a similar scenario).
            I do believe there exists one thing called objectivity.
            Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

            The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


            • #36
              How can you know for sure of his conviction ? I do agree though that there are some people on high that seem to be above the law. Bush, being one them. Hes murdered thousands. All in the name of terrorism. Terrorism by the way claiming less lives per year than road accidents and a number of other things (which I cant remember), yet millions is spent trying to stop these terroritsts..sorry a bit of topic, but interesting all the same

              Yes, my mum is correct...listen to her !!


              My Portfolio


              • #37
                Originally posted by tricky View Post
                Lele - you appear to be rather selective of your own quotes. Whilst the one you self-quoted suggests it is your own personal view, other statements do have a pompous air about them which is probably a reason why this thread has gone on as long as it has...and I don't even like 'Mikey' all that much .
                Reread the posts, and you'll find the selectivity in the quoting was meant to be a sample.
                The words " I " and " Think " or " Believe " are aplenty in any of the posts.
                Would you want me to add "I Think that" at the start of any sentence, to make it clearer to you that it is the expression of a personal belief?
                I thought that a subordinate sentence could do without it if the main one included it, but then again, I stand to be corrected, as English isn't my first language, and i could be well wrong.
                Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                • #38
                  I remember many years ago...he had plans to go to Peru for a concert, every was pretty much set but he cancelled it few days before the concert...the point is that he requested the room where he would be before the event had to be painted with Peter Pan images….very weird ,Isn’t it? He looks like that character ...the nose, skin, asexual looking, surrounded by kids, living in his fantasy world (neverland).

                  He is very talented artist but I wouldn't expend a cent to go to his concert

                  show me the money!!


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                    Wow, does everyone hear really dislike his music that much or is it a case of "lets jump on the bandwagon of this argument because I have no real views on the subject"....
                    i don t dislike the music he produces...not a fan, but certainly don t dislike, the thing is i can t dissociate his acts and his last physical appearence (as a standmark to where the human body can be disfigurated) from what he produces...that s all
                    Nuno de Castro

                    00351 917593145


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by flino2004 View Post
                      I remember many years ago...he had plans to go to Peru for a concert, every was pretty much set but he cancelled it few days before the concert...the point is that he requested the room where he would be before the event had to be painted with Peter Pan images….very weird ,Isn’t it? He looks like that character ...the nose, skin, asexual looking, surrounded by kids, living in his fantasy world (neverland).

                      He is very talented artist but I wouldn't expend a cent to go to his concert

                      Yes, a sad state of affairs when a celeb asks for stuff like that...kind of a reflection of the sad state their lives are in. Bit sick of hearing about the surgery and what he has/hasnt had done...who really cares..only the sad idiots that make money from such stories ! Its as bad as the mags that display what the celebs are doing each day of their story, no matter how slight goes untouched...preying on the obsessive majory (unfortunately) of our society.

                      By the way Lele. Your English is good and whilst I do respect you for your views, coding ability and vray knowledge I do get the impression that you think your opinion is above others at times throughout this thread.


                      My Portfolio


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                        Yes, a sad state of affairs when a celeb asks for stuff like that...kind of a reflection of the sad state their lives are in. Bit sick of hearing about the surgery and what he has/hasnt had done...who really cares..only the sad idiots that make money from such stories ! Its as bad as the mags that display what the celebs are doing each day of their story, no matter how slight goes untouched...preying on the obsessive majory (unfortunately) of our society.
                        agreed, but the again i don t read those kind of magazines nor watch that much tv...what i mean is i have no ideia of stories around celebrities, and have problems in accepting others have such a personal opinion on them, BUT MJ goes beyond all that, he is totally alienated in every human level, imo!

                        Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                        By the way Lele. Your English is good and whilst I do respect you for your views, coding ability and vray knowledge I do get the impression that you think your opinion is above others at times throughout this thread.
                        i don't!...but do from others*
                        mind u i am not refering to u, nor want to back up Lele (no need)

                        *elsewhere sometimes on this forum
                        Last edited by ene.xis; 23-03-2009, 10:10 AM.
                        Nuno de Castro

                        00351 917593145


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                          From wikipedia.

                          MJ does nothing of that kind for me, aside from stimulating a deep sense of loss of humanity, grossness for his self-induced looks, and sadness at the way he conducts himself in the light of the public eye.
                          There's no cynicism to this, rather empathy.

                          It's a personal view, of course, but then this was well outlined in my statement of a few posts above:
                          Originally posted by ^Lele^ View Post
                          Reread the posts, and you'll find the selectivity in the quoting was meant to be a sample.
                          The words " I " and " Think " or " Believe " are aplenty in any of the posts.
                          Would you want me to add "I Think that" at the start of any sentence, to make it clearer to you that it is the expression of a personal belief?
                          I thought that a subordinate sentence could do without it if the main one included it, but then again, I stand to be corrected, as English isn't my first language, and i could be well wrong.

                          Kind Regards,
                          Richard Birket



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by ene.xis View Post
                            agreed, but the again i don t read those kind of magazines nor watch that much tv...what i mean is i have no ideia of stories around celebrities, and have problems in accepting others have such a personal opinion on them, BUT MJ goes beyond all that, he is totally alienated in every human level, imo!

                            i don't!...but do from others*
                            mind u i am not refering to u, nor want to back up Lele (no need)

                            *elsewhere sometimes on this forum
                            Maybe its just me then sits down and starts to cry


                            My Portfolio


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by stevesideas View Post
                              By the way Lele. Your English is good and whilst I do respect you for your views, coding ability and vray knowledge I do get the impression that you think your opinion is above others at times throughout this thread.
                              When the light side of my comments is disregarded, the personal quality of them goes unread, and I am doctored about how I should cater for personal tastes, while I am in the process of expressing mine, you do have a point thinking I am getting frustrated and edgy.

                              Am I a presumptuous bastard? Likely.

                              But I'm not 10 years old anymore, and I DID study Aesthetics while doing Philosophy at University.
                              So no, I do not take absolute relativism about Art lightly, merely because I had to spend so much time learning how to properly observe and discuss the artistic side of life from the most objective standpoint possible.
                              Tastes are one thing, beauty another.

                              While I appreciate that it is possible (and also very likely) that through a difficult life a human being can express a form of recognisable beauty, MJ TO ME doesn't fall into that category.
                              He may have had some potential a long while back (hey, the moonwalk was a fresh thing, I'll have to agree), but as he is now he's just a gross reflection of might-have-beens and a clear example of the worst of what stardom does to the human brain and soul.
                              And I can't see him as a victim, hard as I try.
                              This is all my brain, heart and soul perceive as I observe him as a global phenomenon, and if you want me to say anything but what my very own self screams to my senses, I would kindly oblige.
                              But it wouldn't make it any truer to me, while it sure would sound sweeter and softer to many people's ears.
                              Trouble Stirrer in RnD @ Chaos

                              The views and opinions expressed here are my own and do not represent those of Chaos Group, unless otherwise stated.


                              • #45
                                How do you write with smaller text? Must learn that trick. (moon-walks out the door...)
                                Kind Regards,
                                Richard Birket


