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How do I replace texture maps (not relink)?

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  • How do I replace texture maps (not relink)?

    This has always been a huge annoyance for me in max. Doesn't happen often but every now and then I want to replace a texture used in a file (maybe in many different materials which might not be instanced).

    I might want to use a lower-res version or a newer version of the file or whatever. The trick is the replacement file has a different name, so I basically want to do Find/Replace for the texture that's used in the file. Seems this should be a no-brainer built into the Asset Manager but I don't see such a function.

    Can anyone help?

  • #2
    use the asset tracking dialog instead, right click on the texture and select browse. you can then select what ever texture and it will be replaced


    • #3
      I've done it by having two sets of master files in different named folders - files have same names
      then I copy in high or lo res version to the directory referenced by the material editor, as needed


      • #4
        Thanks Jay. I knew there had to be a way. I think I even did this once but forgot about it.

