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XYZ heightmap from mesh

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  • XYZ heightmap from mesh

    Hi folks,
    as threadname suggest, it is possible to make XYZ heightmap from mesh ? Standard heightmaps have only Z value, but would be possible to add XY values too ( like normal maps ) ? Sorry if this was answered, but I can`t find any info about this.

    The cause why I`m asking is this:
    I have a terrain with uneven sized polys which I want to remake on even sized polys via displacement. And I want to drive this displacement with a map which would be the exact copy of original mesh.

    Thanks so far,

  • #2
    You can use the VRayDisplacementBake material for this; there is a small example here (in the Vector dislacement section):

    Best regards,
    I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


    • #3
      Thanks Vlado, it is working on a simple object I made, but not working with the terrain I have - I used the same procedure, so dunno what`s wrong, can you please check that ? Both scenes are here : VRayVectorDisplBake.rar ( 5.2 MB )


      • #4
        Actually it works fine, but you need a little bit higher displacement amount (something like 400m).

        However in your case, since you are using Planar UVW mapping, there is no need for vector displacement - you can use just regular displacement.

        Best regards,
        I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


        • #5
          Hm, I don`t quite understand - I have Planar UVW on the `simple scene` and it works, also can`t make it working on the `terrain scene` - could you please write a simple step-by-step how to do it ? Or what I`m doing wrong ? Btw, I noticed on the `simple scene` that the mesh made with VrayDisplacementMod loaded with map generated by VRayDisplacementBakeis a little innaccurate, despite I gave the exact Z values for both of them.

          Kind regards,

