Hey Mike! Your company does some very impressive work! I remember looking through your website when this job came back. It really is a small world! I met a ton of people out @ Siggraph last week and it was great to put some names to faces.
Yeah, I have been utilizing your methods and tweaked them quite a bit to fit with the small changes. The design is changing quite a bit and I was having a LOT of problems utilizing your methods. The severe stretching and compression of the structure is something they are really trying to get away from, so I am pretty much giving up on the path deform stuff. There are a lot more bends and twists and all kinds of other crazy stuff going on right now and it is constantly changing. The most difficult part is getting a more consistent structure size throughout the entire piece, like some of my earlier reference images. So I was heavily swayed towards trying out Rhino with Grasshopper. I will admit that this is WAY outside of my comfort zone and the learning curve seems to be almost vertical. I have spent a LOT of my personal time trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible. Most of our modeling is pretty boring stuff, so this is a nice change. Just wish I had a little more experience with these programs.
Rhino has been pretty easy to get my head around. I am struggling more with the concepts of Nurbs modeling more than anything. I tend to model myself into a corner because I am thinking Polys/Modifiers, so I seem to be starting over quite a bit, but the more I work with Rhino the more comfortable I have become. We are starting to do a lot more rapid prototyping that things too, so I figure I will have to learn Rhino at some point anyways!
Anyways, your stuff looks great! I hope you didn't have too much of a problem dealing with my files. The back and forth was getting a little confusing.
Troy Buckley
Yeah, I have been utilizing your methods and tweaked them quite a bit to fit with the small changes. The design is changing quite a bit and I was having a LOT of problems utilizing your methods. The severe stretching and compression of the structure is something they are really trying to get away from, so I am pretty much giving up on the path deform stuff. There are a lot more bends and twists and all kinds of other crazy stuff going on right now and it is constantly changing. The most difficult part is getting a more consistent structure size throughout the entire piece, like some of my earlier reference images. So I was heavily swayed towards trying out Rhino with Grasshopper. I will admit that this is WAY outside of my comfort zone and the learning curve seems to be almost vertical. I have spent a LOT of my personal time trying to get up to speed as quickly as possible. Most of our modeling is pretty boring stuff, so this is a nice change. Just wish I had a little more experience with these programs.
Rhino has been pretty easy to get my head around. I am struggling more with the concepts of Nurbs modeling more than anything. I tend to model myself into a corner because I am thinking Polys/Modifiers, so I seem to be starting over quite a bit, but the more I work with Rhino the more comfortable I have become. We are starting to do a lot more rapid prototyping that things too, so I figure I will have to learn Rhino at some point anyways!
Anyways, your stuff looks great! I hope you didn't have too much of a problem dealing with my files. The back and forth was getting a little confusing.
Troy Buckley