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And so it begins........

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  • #16
    Let's not go from bashing renderers to bashing humans. Seems like a step backwards.
    Eric Boer


    • #17
      marklazaro ...oh yes, good old bounce lights. it was SO MUCH fun to create 100 bounce lights in my arch. renderings. i really loved it. and now i go down to my car, throw out the engine and walk in my car like the flintstones. hey man ! this is called progress !! i´m an architect and i don´t gouge my drawings into stone because of that progress and i´m happy about it. vray is just another tool, but you have to learn your craft first.


      • #18
        i think what he is trying to say more is that...and to use some of your examples.... it would be better for some people to play with crayons before they start using pens and technical drawing tools. Having the most advanced tools is no excuse for not knowing the basics. When you created 100 lights to simulate bounced light it more or less gave you a better insight into how a global illumination engine is trying to simulate bounced light.
        So i agree. learn the basics...learn the principles...then tackle the more advanced options. Too many 3d newbies are picking up GI packages thinking it will improve their work. When in reality i usually notice its the modeling skills or the material skills that is offsetting the images. It would pain me to see a porsche used by an old granny just to drive to the market to pick up some food. And it pains me just as much to see the teapot on a plane rendered in GI by a newbie saying "look, i can do realistic images". Using a powerfull engine in a pointless task is a waste

        MSN addresses are not for newbies or warez users to contact the pros and bug them with
        stupid questions the forum can answer.


        • #19
          thanks Da_elf, you nailed it. BACK TO BASICS - learn to walk before you run . . . . thats what I meant

          I also added " - then you will come back with a deeper understanding. "


          • #20

            Originally posted by RErender
            Let's not go from bashing renderers to bashing humans. Seems like a step backwards.
            haha, this is the best "digital" rip and conversion of Schopenhauers Rule §32 how to win in a disscussion:

            "if you don't have any more rational arguments or you start loosing the control over the discussion, start attacking the other side with personal, human insults..." (free translation)

            I think you hit the point of the most of all such Render-Threads...
            Igor Posavec


            • #21
              vray users are like mac users, no matter what forum i go to and say i use vray, i get bashed into the lowest level of lifeforms. evidently by using vray, i am less than human, i am a vile virus or something. so, those experiences carry over and i become ingrained into the renderer.

              sorry, but mac users are exactly the same. they get bashed everywhere and they form a tight community and get all bitter and mad.

              so long as we're treated as 3rd rate by the better part of the cg world, then your going to have this kind of a result.
              5 years and counting.


              • #22
                @marklazaro....okay, at that point you are right maybe i misunderstood it a little


                • #23

                  I guess it was the way I put it that made people misunderstand me. I wasnt bashing the pro vray users, it was never my intention.

                  I was just pointing out the rising trend of "I can be a great 3D artist if I get myself a GI renderer".

                  I think ill just leave it at that, im fast becoming a controversy.


                  PS metroberlin you have an awsome portfolio

