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further dumbness in nuke - what do I need to render for nuke relighting?

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  • further dumbness in nuke - what do I need to render for nuke relighting?

    Heya Folks,

    One of the compers in here is going to try and relight some 3d for speed reasons and I'm guessing that whatever I render out isn't going to be what maya does so it'll be wrong (It's always wrong). As a pre-emptive strike what settings would I need to use for a nuke friendly normal pass and position pass for relighting? Again to cut out some nonsense it'd be fabulous to know what nuke operators would need to be used afterwards too - If someone does this regularly I'd trust them far more than me making some passes and then the nuke guy trying to use the way he would have done it with another package and again nothing working. Maybe I'm just bitter

    Thanks in advance once again, and names on the beer in the post list



  • #2
    +1 for this, would be very interesting.


    • #3
      That depends a lot on the type of relighting technique used in post (The masterclass one ? Custom nodes ?). Mostly using custom nodes here. What you would usually need is world space normals, world space coordinates and a camera. That should give enough to play with. There's shitloads of tricks and shortcut techniques for real and faked relighting tho, so that is tough to generally answer.

      One thing you need to usually do when we're talking about nodes and techniques that were created for maya+nuke is coordinate space conversion as the max ones come out Z-up where nuke itself is Y-up (and most tools expect Y-up). This can be done via a simple color expression tho for position and normals. It get's more tricky for the camera, but there are tools to convert the camera properly (Like Gavin's NukeEm (NukeEm) so that's nothing to worry about too much)


