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How to make progress?

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  • How to make progress?

    One has the blessing of having orders for 4 different houses (of around
    sq.ft.3,000 each) still CG renderings for different clients.
    From the first conversation with the client untill the final payment no less than
    one week in the best scenario.
    So, with a little luck,one can finish 4 houses in one month and let's say we
    billed $1,000 per house, so we made $4.000 less expenses.
    But if next month you receive 5 or more works, your bussiness starts to get
    complicated: what to do?
    You can work as a convict trying to fullfill with everything, or hire somebody.
    Always remember the old saying:" Hire slowly, fire fast"!
    If you hire somebody qualified, your profit will decrease unless you exploit the
    If you hire a rookie, you are going to do worse ,devoting your time to train the
    kid, taking the time from what you are doing.
    A complete disaster!
    Needless to say, according to this line of thinking the possibilities of making $$$ and the
    old :"practice & progress" in this activity is extremely limited, or as the
    economists say "it has a very low plafond".
    I wish am wrong, maybe you have other formulae which I ignore!
    May the forces of nature enlighten your ways!

  • #2
    Don't torment the VRay forums also!! I would hire a blood-thirsty undergrad to do the work. They will work for experience - wait a second - that's me!


    • #3
      I ain't tormentin' nobody!
      Just evaluating my bussines and opening eyes!


      • #4
        i worked as an arch vis guy for a while during school (industrial design program) because i had the CAD skills. We did great work, it was a small set up, me and another and a renderfarm. we tended to get large statium gigs...soldier field and the like due to the fact that my boss had connections after starting his arch career working for a well know sports arch firm and leaving so he could pursue the Vis side full time. the biggest problem i found was spending the time and effort needed to market yourself to get the job after the next one. hard to market while in the midst of a project, but you wont have shit to do after your done...wash, rinse, repeat.
        so throw a marketing person in there and things get even more complicated.

        and then take into account the fact that sometimes clients dont pay you or when they do its 8 months later (jesus we had this happen way to frequently) and things definately get complicated.


        • #5
          Many reasons are contributing to drop prices down at least in South Florida:
          * Thousands of immigrant Architects from foreign countries drag the price
          down, accepting anything for a job.
          ** Outsourcing the renderings and animations over the Internet.
          I've heard of very well known Arch's ordering not only viz-work, but complete working drawing sets for projects within offices in India, Pakistan,etc., and paying $0.25 per hour!
          Is this enough for you or I have to go on...?


          • #6
            i must say Karadagian.......
            your always down on life ........
            you was in your last thread......
            go tell someone who gives a shit.....
            at the end of the day get out what you put in....

            this is a vray forum not an Agony Aunt Forum.



            • #7


              • #8
                Ain't your mom teach you manners son?..

                And in the midtime go on discussing escencial issues as "Vray vs fR", "Brazil vs MentalRay",
                "bokkeh effect and its incidence in paying my
                credit card bills","SSS and caustics for keeping us out of the economic crisis US is going thru"...
                "The worst blind is the one who does not want to see"


                • #9
                  Karadagian, IMHO it is wise to hire people whom you intend to stick around for a while. At my studio I've hired 3 solid designers that have been with us for over 3 years each, and it doesn't look like they're planning on going anywhere else (at least I hope so). The advantage is that I have a predictable skill set to draw upon, and I also know that they're invested in their positions enough to be willing to ramp up a little when particular assignments fall out of their range.

                  On the flipside, I've also hired designers through a placement agency. This also worked well since we were able to set a maximum project cost and not exceed it. Whether the designers worked 40 or 80 hours, didn't matter - we'd still pay $XXX on a contractual basis.

                  In the end, it all comes down to the bottom line - did you make a profit, break even or lose? The first two scenarios are acceptable, but a loss should only be sustained if you are building a relationship with a client and are certain that you can increase charges with them.


                  • #10
                    586:Yours is a pro's answer and the level I expect for a forum like this!

                    natty:why don't you join the powerpuff girls fans' website?
                    you are gonna feel a lot more comfortable than facing reality!

                    Guardian256:Whom do you guard, natty?


                    • #11
                      copied this from an old thread............

                      Daniel Kreimer,

                      I wonder why you stay in this bussiness if it's such a bad bussines for you, I think you should change your job for something more rewarding, both economically and because it makes you proud of what you do.

                      In other words, if your talent does not lie in Computer Graphics you'll better do a search for it (the place where it lies) instead of growing bitter, and trying that everybody share your bitterness.

                      Of course, if you are a hobbiest, then everything is allright ( I mean not bieng proficient ) but for the bitterness which nerver is.

                      Did a search and found this one from November 2002 you started at the old forum... strange your posts are missing, but the answers are there, so in general it still makes sense:


                      ok, may be it is for fun you do so, and it should not upset me...

                      Yes, probably I stop it here.

                      have a nice day


                      BTW, you used to live in Florida, Bet your chances of better marked where in the USA as oposed to Armenia, but I may be wrong.[/url]


                      • #12
                        Uhh! This kid discoverd my secret identity!
                        My career as superhero is over
                        The Powerpuff girls must have helped her!


                        • #13
                          Very good K
                          you must have some fetish for the power puff girls who ever they are.....
                          you obviuosly have to much time on your hands. perhaps you should concerntrate on making money rather than fantasizing about some kids program ....
                          anyway this is getting silly......

                          perhaps you should put on a super hero suit and do some kids parties might earn some money doing that.


                          • #14
                            All kidding aside, please tell me what part of my original post/comment
                            you did not agree with , or you didn't understand.
                            And specifically what part of it deserves such a foul language from you!


                            • #15
                              K, I just answered honestly. NP - hope things work out well for you. I know that running your own business is extremely difficult - I've been doing it for 5 years now, and I'm nearly going grey. There will always be tough decisions to make. Don't be afraid of screwing up now and then - it's all part of learning what to do and what not to do.

