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3dsmax 2014 anyone?

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  • 3dsmax 2014 anyone?

    anyone heard anything about max 2014? ive gotta decide in the next few days whether to cancel my autodesk subscription or not.

    i was determined not to give another penny to them until they sort it out.. raising subscription AND renewal prices, whilst reducing what we get with the subscription ( the whole box2/box 3 debacle) whilst releasing ever more incomplete versions of max ( i actually only installed 2013 after 6 months as it didnt excite me, and then ive literally used it once.. its crap)

    However, if it looks like 2014 will be the version ive actually been waiting for ( stable, fast, with reliable, cutting edge and professionally usable new features) i might change my mind.

    however itll probably just be some iray updates, more viewport wierdness, and a few more old features changed to no obvious benefit.

    so.. anyone give me a good reason to send AD some more of my cash?

  • #2
    Hmmmm.... I have no good reason.

    For me, I'll not renew my subscription.
    :: twitter :: Portfolio :: My 3D Products :: ...and ::


    • #3
      yeah, this.

      Originally posted by super gnu View Post
      itll probably just be some iray updates, more viewport wierdness, and a few more old features changed to no obvious benefit.
      Marc Lorenz
      ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___


      • #4
        I recently heard that the reason AutoDesk bought Naiad was so they could put it in Max. No idea if that'll be in the next release though.
        - Geoff


        • #5
          heard as in "some bloke down the pub" or heard as in "someone who works at autodesk" ? that would be qwite cool. but id be surprised if it didnt go into maya first..? seems more of a vfx product..


          • #6
            It was item #11 in this article:
            - Geoff


            • #7
              well that would be nice but i expect i wont know anything for sure until after my subscription expires.. in 3 days.. damn. and well.. to be honest, i dont do a lot of fluid sims.. hmm.. anyone out there any insider info about 2014?


              • #8
                I'm sure there are people on here that do know and that are beta testers, but part of the "deal" is that they can't reveal anything until official anouncements are made
                Kind Regards,


                • #9
                  id settle for a " its gonna be amazing" or even a "much better than 2013" or really even "it doesnt suck"


                  • #10
                    There is this link:


                    You can vote for what you want to get fixed / changed / added in 3dsMax future releases.

                    Maybe you are the only one annoyed about something, or maybe the whole community rages about one point.
                    Remember that if they do not know it is broken, they can not fix it.

                    Based on the original question, yes, I will upgrade.. I know that there is a lot of bitching, all the time, about this software, but for me, the last release was stable, and most of the new / improved tools are usefull.
                    For stability questions, I'm also working with other packages, and they seem to crash more often than 3ds, and this on simpler / smaller scenes.
                    ( Yep been havin' huuuuuge problems with *** lately and quite pissed off about it)

                    So, as usual, I'll wait until product update 1 and Vray for 3ds2014 , and then test it for a few scenes and for compatibility with some in-house tools, and than make the change through the office.
                    Alain Blanchette


                    • #11
                      All i can say is that we have some files on production that "should" benefit from it.

                      Best regards,
                      Daniel Santana | Co-Founder / Technical Director
                      You can do it! VFX
                      Lisbon/Porto - Portugal


                      • #12
                        I miss the days before Autodick bought everyone out.
                        Immersive media - design and production


                        • #13
                          hey yes im aware of the 3dsmax feedback page. ive used up all my votes. i had a few returned since they rejected things like " make 3dsmax generally multithreaded" so im sure i can use those again.. however for me its not the whole issue. the developement of max is designed too much "by commitee" as it is. add a healthy dose of inflexible management (fixed yearly release cycle whatever the state of the software) and a slightly too large dash of "shareholders must get their cut" one pinch of "ruthless buying up of all competition and generally under-investing in it after" and i have a bad taste in my mouth.

                          if i had tons of work on id swallow it any subscribe as always, but after paying £400 last year, i got an upgrade from 2012 that has slower viewports and not a single feature i found useful enough to upgrade for, and a subscription advantage pack of a single particle cache modifier. (admittedly they added box 2 after this, due to a lot of complaints, but even that seems to be a step back,.. wasnt the original box 2 years ago gpu accelerated?!)

                          this year i dont have so much work, and im currently moving house and have a new kid. so i have to be a bit more careful with spending money.

                          anyway i promise no more ranting, wasnt mean to be yet another a bash autodesk thread as such, i was just hoping for info on 2014 so i could make an educated decision, rather than basing it on my bad experience from this year. (and, lets be honest, quite a few previous years)


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by YoyoBoy View Post
                            No idea if that'll be in the next release though.
                            How long did it take pixomondo to integrate it into max? I reckon double that.


                            • #15
                              I just renewed again, and still don't like it...AutoDesk bends us over the barrel (dry) for this subscription fee, but it still seemed like a "potentially better" investment in the long haul...
                              For example, I found that the switch from 2012 to 2013 was very helpful in my workflow...
                              Still, it went up to 495 USD this year, and the rep said it was going up again next year. They must be raking it in every year from subscription fees alone!
                              Unfortunately I still haven't found an easy switch to make, although Octane has been very tempting.
                              I must quit now or I will really start ranting...

