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viewport problem when mapping on sweep object

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  • viewport problem when mapping on sweep object

    i use sweep to generate curbstones of a road. generate mapping coord. is checked, and on map level i adjust the tiling of the map for the curbstones.
    now i changed computer and 3dsmax version at the same time (pc with gtx 680, 3dsmax 2013) and figure out a strange problem. first i thought the tilings of the map for the curbstones aren't visible in the viewports, until i zoomed in to a very near area of the curbs, to discover a very blurry tiling of the map. in the rendering everything is fine, its only a prolem in the viewport. when i adjust a uvw map mod. the tiles are visisble very clear from every distance.(but i cant use uvw map mod. for my winding curbstones)
    is this a problem of my graficcard or of 3ds max 2013 or am i missing something?

  • #2
    Are you using Real-World Scale on the bitmap? Maybe it's a units issue?
    Brendan Coyle |


    • #3
      thanks for your reply. real world scale is checked, and it's no problem with the units. i face this problem since ich changed the graficcard to a gtx680 with nitrous driver. because of that i had to change to 3dsmax2013 because the graficcard isn't supported by 3ds max 2012, which i used before. my old gtx 285 worked very well with 2012, and the discribed problem never occured in this constellation.
      the problem is that i can see the map when i zoom in to an extrem near point(so that a box of 10x10 cm fills the whole viewport), but can,t see the details of the map(which are the fuges of the curbstone) when i move a little bit further away!
      i think the best thing for me ist switch back to 2012 and buy an gtx580 which. unfort. i don't have enough money for a quattro.
      Last edited by max montana; 29-07-2013, 04:13 AM.


      • #4
        I'm not sure what is going on here, but something isn't right. From my experience, general viewport display is pretty consistent between GTX / Quadro cards. We have both in our office and I have had both versions in my workstation. We also have not had issues with any GTX card working with Max 2011-2014.

        If you could upload a file that shows the problem you are having, I can take a look to see what's going on. It sounds like something is max is not setup properly. Without seeing what the problem is, it will be hard to track down the issue.
        Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
        Midwest Studios


        • #5
          hi troy,
          sorry for the delayed reply, was on a short vacation. i added a view screenshots which show the problem quite well.
          the first one shows the map on the curb with an additional uvw modifier on it (i can`t use it, as the curb is winding, but it shows how the map should look like in the viewport)
          the following images show the curb without the uvw map, i can`t see the tilings of the curb material unless i zoom in to an extreme near point...
          ias i said before, i use sweep on curbs for years and didn`t see this problem before i changed to 3ds max 2013 and the gtx 680 graficcard. the driverversion of the graficcard is

          thank you.
          Click image for larger version

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          Last edited by max montana; 05-08-2013, 09:50 AM.


          • #6
            That's because you have filtering turned on for viewport maps with one of the cards.

            Are you using nitrous for both viewports, or are they different?


            • #7
              Cubiclegangster is correct. What you are seeing is filtering of the bitmaps in the viewport. This is a common problem when using Nitrous viewport. So you have a couple of options:

              - revert from Nitrous to Direct3D 9.0
              - use a script to make changes to the Nitrous viewport system

              I personally use Nitrous Texture Tweaker to assist with placement of bitmaps as needed. You can find it on Scriptspot here:

              Edit: grammar
              Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
              Midwest Studios


              • #8
                works, thanks for the tips guys.
                i use the nitrous tweaker script, which troy recommended. when i use shades oer shaded+map nothing happens to the map on the sweep objekt, but when i use realistic or realistic+map i can see the map on the curbstone.
                i do not really understand what is going on, but i am happy it works thanks again troy!
                @cubiclegangster "That's because you have filtering turned on for viewport maps with one of the cards." i have only one graficcard in my computer. turning of filtering can be a solution? i only know how to turn filtering on/off in opacity maps.
                "Are you using nitrous for both viewports, or are they different?" What do you mean with both viewports?

                i do not really understand what causes the problem


                • #9
                  Cubiclegangster is referring to the viewport display driver. e.g. Nitrous, DirectX 9, OpenGL

                  Nitrous will always filter your images and there is no way to turn off filtering of the viewports with Nitrous.

                  DirectX does a much better job with displaying hi-res textures and you can control the amount of filtering done to the bitmaps in the viewports. The down side is that in the latest version of 3DS Max 2014, DirectX is significantly slower than Nitrous DX11, so you have to weight the pros/cons of what you are trying to do.

                  I hope that helps some.
                  Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                  Midwest Studios


                  • #10
                    thank you for the information troy. in my case(3ds max 2013 + gtx 680) the vieport performance of nitrous is much faster than direct x. before i was on 3ds max 2012 + gtx 285 + direct x !!!, and therefore didn`t have this vieport problems.
                    another viewport issue that bothers me, (which i also didn`t see on the old pc with direct x) is, that some faces behind other faces are displayed incorrect(not alsways the same faces, it depends on the viewing position).
                    there are no materials on this faces! i made some screenshots and rendered the same views to show how it should look. can you tell me if there is a possibility to solve this problem?
                    thank you!
                    Click image for larger version

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                    Last edited by max montana; 10-08-2013, 01:03 AM.


                    • #11
                      With the Nitrous viewport system, NO. Nitrous does extremely well with large poly data sets and is a significant performance upgrade over DirectX. What you are seeing the 3rd image is z-buffer sorting errors. Nitrous is not as accurate with z-sorting, so you will notice this a LOT more on thin objects when you zoom out away from them. It's a trade off between speed vs viewport quality and fast vs slow performance. Nitrous is MUCH faster in 2014 and I will gladly take the viewport performance over the better quality viewport of DirectX because it is too slow for most of my work.

                      What's nice is that you can choose which mode to be in. If you are working on a project and are having display issues, just switch to DirectX. I know that with my Quadro K5000 vs GTX 680, video card drivers were very important and some worked MUCH better than others. YMMV.
                      Troy Buckley | Technical Art Director
                      Midwest Studios


                      • #12
                        thank you for the detailed answer troy.


                        • #13
                          Open up viewport clipping (click on 'perspective/whatever' and it's near the bottom) and move the lower arrow further up to fix that flickering faces thing.


                          • #14
                            thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                            it`s so much better now!

