I have purchased a character from AXYZ and need it inside a scene. I've made sure the units are the same for both but when I bring in my AXYZ character it is completely the wrong scale. It is very small ! Is there a simple way to scale everything up and still be able to use things like the joint angle deformers ? At the moment I have to turn off "always deform", size up the biped in figure mode and then re-align the mesh and then turn on "always deform". There must be an easier way ....
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How do I scale an existing biped inside a new scene ?
I thought that all those people came with a tutorial on how to change the scale. I would look there. I remember it being pretty easy, but I havn't had to scale one of their rigged characters in a while.
I'll check the instructions...I normally skip manuals/instructions
Grouping everything works fine when initially bringing in but when I want to add something like an angle deformer inside the skin mod things start to go pear shaped.
I ended up doing it the way I first read about but maybe those instructions will shed some light on a quicker way...Thanks
I wrote this to convert some AXYZ people we bought from cm to mm. It was a while ago but I think it worked ok.
Code:( fn scaleBiped scFactor = ( for skMod in getClassInstances skin do skMod.always_deform = false for bipCtrl in getClassInstances Vertical_Horizontal_Turn do ( bipCtrl.figureMode = true local bp = bipCtrl.rootNode.transform.position*10 bipCtrl.height*= scFactor biped.setTransform bipCtrl.rootNode #pos bp false bipCtrl.figureMode = false ) for gh in helpers where isGroupHead gh do ( gh.pivot = [0,0,0] gh.scale = [scFactor,scFactor,scFactor] ) for skMod in getClassInstances skin do skMod.always_deform = true ) units.DisplayType = #Generic units.SystemType = #millimeters scaleBiped 10 )
Dan Brew