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Glue Particles with mP Glue

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  • Glue Particles with mP Glue

    Am working on a project with 3D paper blowing in the wind.

    I have made a piece of paper using pflow and skinned it to a piece of mesh. I am using a wind force to blow it around the scene.
    All looks good so far but am finding it very difficult to control the position of the paper in camera frame just using the wind force.

    I am trying to come up with a way that the wind blows the paper but the papers position is controlled by a spline or even better by the position of another particle event.

    I have been following this excellent tutorial made by Kevin Harper on how to make 3D paper using Pflow.

    In the comment of his video
    Hi Patrick, To link one to the other, have single particles in the speed by surface that are initially located in the center of each paper. Create a second glue that sticks the paper to the "driver" (speed by surface particles"). This may take some time to figure out but it is what I did for one section of the cloud and it works well.

    I can't get it to work.
    Not sure where to put the 2nd glue that sticks the paper to the driver, in the first event or in the 2nd event?

    Anyone got any ideas?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    for anyone curious about this I did finally figure it out with Kevin Turner' help

    First off I instanced my mpworld into the second event. Now the 2 particle events can see each other and so they can be glued together.

    Now you have the first mpglue holding your particles together to make the paper and the second mpglue sticking the paper to the second particle event.
    Problem now is that because your second event (the single particle that follows the surface) has an mpWorld (so that it exist in the physx engine) it no longer follows the surface.

    To solve this use an mpSwitch node and your single particle will now flow along the surface and pull the paper along too!

    Now you have a piece for paper that flutters in the wind but you can control where it flies using the a spline (with a sweep modifier on it) and still dial in enough variation that it doesn't just look like a path constraint


    • #3
      Nice trick

      Best regards,
      I only act like I know everything, Rogers.


      • #4
        I played around with his initial tutorial as well, and it was quite fun, but my biggest wish would be a way to "nest" this paper sim into another particle system to create one (piece of paper per particle you can spray paper around (carefully mind you) like he did in the music video he worked on. He said something about having to script these events per frame where he spawned and killed new particle events continuously during the shots.
        Was hoping for a more "elegant" solution.
        As for your solution, where did you place the mpSwitch node? In your second event?
        Could you paste a screenshot of the pflow window?
        Signing out,

