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CEBAS really fears VRAY

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  • #16
    On the other side, for the people who want to use it in the proffesional work, $95 is really not much.
    to be 100% correct you have to pay 95$ to use it on 6 cpu´s.

    finalShaders 6 CPU Pack US$ 95
    finalShaders 12 CPU Pack US$ 185
    finalShaders 24 CPU Pack US$ 324
    finalShaders 30 CPU Pack US$ 389

    and the poor fR user who bought their copy to early:

    To make this deal even sweeter, every new copy of finalRender Stage-1 for 3ds max 4/5/6 will include a 12 CPU license Pack of finalShaders for a limited time.

    i heard it too, that cebas is not in good shape. but who knows for sure?
    on the other side they milk their customers with updates or try to force them to buy stage-1. we will see if this will pay in the end.

    but back to topic, all i want to say is, replacing the word VRAY in their forum is just plain stupid.


    • #17
      I don't see the problem there - I am sure everybody have $95,- left to get a shader package (If it comes for VRay, I would buy it too, without thingking); you are buying the time for the money. We all know there is no way to buy the time you spent with the sensless try-and-error by getting specular in VRay proper - a shader pack will solve it, for example.
      There are people in the logistic who count every second and every mouse-click - I am sure they would recommend this method over "every time from the beguinning design your own material".
      I am sure Vray will soon come out with similar offer.

      About the price - I am also sure, that if one has 30 CPUs and a render farm, he will also have 300 $ left to get this license. Otherwise, I am wondering how is he earning his money wih 30 CPUs.... hobby? ...mhh, no...

      best regards
      Igor Posavec


      • #18
        igor you sure make a good sellsman for cebas.
        and you are right, it´s not much money.

        on the other side you can get symbiont for free, you get good materials with brazil, you get excellent shaders with mentalray etc. pp.

        the point is, that beside all the hype cebas creates around zauner shader, easy to use fR materials etc. you still have to buy such an extra shader package to get a good car shader material with fR.

        i bet that other companys would offer such a shader package for free.


        • #19
          I always thought it a bit odd personally, The people who have the money to throw around for this kind of thing aren't generally the people that need it. they've got a bit of experience to be able to make the shaders by hand usually..

          Now if this was the fr renderman shader system that would be a different story.. a framework to use to create your own custom toys and tools would be useful to many more people imho.

          (Sorta like the VrayShadingSDK, someday i hope to get a compiler and play around with em!)

          Ps. Igor, Bring back your old site! I miss the rambling explanations to go with the images :P
          Dave Buchhofer. // Vsaiwrk


          • #20
            I looked at the fR materials on the web page and though they looked incredible. If they are easy to use and straightforward (which fR is frequently NOT) then its easily worth a measily $95.

            If chaos released a similiar set of shaders that worked, then Id pay just as much. I dont have a problem with charging customers for a pack like that per se. Depends on how it was done. I think vray needs some standard shaders before they looked at creating extra ones they could charge for.

            The moral of the story?: Vray needs shaders!


            "Sometimes life leaves a hundred dollar bill on your dresser, and you don't realize until later that it's because it fu**ed you."


            • #21
              brazil shader are no way better than finaler shader package.. + the fact that you can now write your shader...

              anyway.. its fair enough and its kiking a lot of asses...

              Cg Fx Sup


              • #22
                brazil shader are no way better than finaler shader package.. + the fact that you can now write your shader...
                who say so? you?
                the skin shader of brazil is way better then fR´s and the velvet shader too.

                you can write your own shaders with this set?
                nice that at least one believe in cebas....

                brazils shaders are based on renderman if im not wrong.

                even vray can render some of the brazil materials because they are in such a great way implemented. try this with fR.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Long John
                  igor you sure make a good sellsman for cebas.
                  I did enogh work here presenting VRay to the customers - only beacause of me and the last project 2 Studios jumped to VRay, so I have no bad twingels while writing few words of another rendering system

                  The time as I worked only with Vray has passed, i have too learend to mix the renderers in order to achive optimal results in the shortest time. VRay is definitly at least 50% of the production pipeline, adn I won't change it soon. Yet the few shaders of FR are such interessting and does good to the "production-wellness" (to use this ugly word haha) that I would be stupid if I wouldn't use them. As said, as soon as VRay get few new toys I can sell my customers as "new original look and feel" i will be the first one to order them.

                  best regards
                  Igor Posavec


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by dbuchhofer
                    Ps. Igor, Bring back your old site! I miss the rambling explanations to go with the images :P
                    Hi dave!

                    I would like to do it too, but since I pushed 3d-io to a small company with many people who are working in on few different projects, it can't be more presented as hobby-artists-gallery

                    The Layout that has be made in the last days here will look more like XSI- or some other Company-Presentation homepage than on the old days... since we are completely booked, I didn't manage to publish it till now, need some 2-3 days alone for it.

                    But i will try to open a new small domain with my older works and with the material and the old galleries (as a nostalgical review of the past)

                    thanks for pointing me to that!
                    best regards
                    Igor Posavec


                    • #25
                      FRskin, FRwax and the 3Dgradient are my pick from the first release. The subsurface effects are fast, wax makes you want to cry when using Vray. Plus the must-have updates, I'm sure everyone will be asking for similar things from their rendering package.

                      here are a couple tests with some of the shaders (note that's the old version of wax it's since been improved)

                      Richard De Souza



                      • #26
                        i love it Richard!!

                        Btw .. Long John or whatever... If you would know how to programm in c++ , you wouldnt been saying that :huh ! brazil shading language is based on renderman shading language..

                        We have a pro mental ray "shaderman" here that have any probleme writing any shader in any renderer , its all c++ based man !..

                        Some principle and algorithm are based on current "already prooved over year " principles done in renderman or mental ray witch are solid tested and valuated package , but inovation is just better in my mind..

                        Take a base and evoluate !! Thats what cebas Do !


                        Ps: Nobody fear nobody , competition is always good, but a joke still a joke !! You guys make a big deal of something that you totally got wrong ! Edwin was laughing about this threath and still today ! If it make you feel any better , just have fun !
                        Cg Fx Sup


                        • #27
                          Edwin may be laughing, but come on do you really think it started as a joke? We all have a pretty good idea of his character... Anyways fR is practicaly being advertised here on the forum without the Chaos guys running scared and deleting everything
                          Eric Boer


                          • #28
                            Edwin may be laughing, but come on do you really think it started as a joke? We all have a pretty good idea of his character... Anyways fR is practicaly being advertised here on the forum without the Chaos guys running scared and deleting everything
                            a tread like this (subject reversed) on the FR forums would've been deleted and the guy starting it probably banned........that speaks volumes for the "scare" and pressure that cebas feels from chaos.......and probably not a laughing matter when they (cebas) look at their financies and their users migrating to vray or brazil....



                            • #29
                              Heheh, apparently it is now "ok" to type VRAY on the fR forum so people won't have to type like
                              hehe, then i say v.ray fro.m now on a.nd i´m con.vinced that f.r. is much be.tter vr.ay
                              anymore :P
                              Eric Boer


                              • #30
                                ....I'll have to go try that......maybe if I'm lucky I won't get banned :P


