I tested Samsungs VR at our local Best Buy and it was just weird, to say the least. I think the goggles alone will keep it from taking off. I was using an iPad app years ago for embedding buildings into the environment. It was fun at first, but quickly got old.
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Architectural Rendering a Thing of the Past?
Bobby Parker
e-mail: info@bobby-parker.com
phone: 2188206812
My current hardware setup:- Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
- 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
- NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
- ​Windows 11 Pro
Instead of a photomontage one could create the VR version of it....on the other hand the views are made specific depending of your target.
Renderings that work for client communication may not work for city or neighborhood meetings as well as marketing material.
For neighborhood meetings sometimes you don't want to show the project at all... You show landscaping hidden the building. For city planner initially is better to show more sketchy look, they want to feel that they can make suggestions and it's not set in stone. For sales of course you want to sell a life style, dream home, etcshow me the money!!
Mike seymour from fxguide did an interesting interview last year with these guys http://www.nozon.com/presenz about having much wider room for movement inside 360 full cg still images or video sequences. It looks damn impressive but still ways off.