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Sometimes I feel crazy

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  • Sometimes I feel crazy

    Do you know this Situation?

    Its a nice day on weekend and you decide to take your dslr and go for a walk.
    You walking around a bit and than a peace of trash, maby an old cola can or somethig beside the path jumps in your eye.
    You go to it and on that near look you see that it is a peace of hero trash, with everything on it:
    Scrached, rusted, covered in dirt, bleaced by the sun and the reflections uncoveres its multi glossiness surface.
    The "model" itself is some kind of stroy telling, you can almost see the teenager squashing that can.
    All in all it is the epitome of an old cola can.
    And you're exited.
    Grap your camera and start to take Photos from every direction.
    Than, after some photos you raise your head and you notice that old couple... standing there on the path and uncomprehendingly staring at you as if you are completely naked.

    I also was in similar siturations while standing less than a meter form a windowless wall taking Photos of the bricks.
    Last edited by Ihno; 15-02-2016, 09:35 AM.
    German guy, sorry for my English.

  • #2
    Yep. Back when I was learning subdivision modelling I'd stare for ages at objects on the street trying to figure out what the minimum number of edges I'd need and where to place them. One of the guys in here is doing cg breath for a sequence that needs to appear cold, it was frosty one morning and he spent ages looking at his breath saying "I will give my life for yours if need be, I swear it by the old gods and the new" while a load of girls nearby were getting very frightened.


    • #3
      Yep most of the time when hanging out with some friends I suddenly see something and just stare at it for minutes if nobody pulls me away. During the first few times they thought I was having a stroke now its normal and they made a running gag out of it. The struggle of cg people I tell you!


      • #4
        Sometimes I struggle to SWITCH IT OFF. I would go somewhere to relax, but then catch myself looking at something thinking what would be the quickest way to model that
        Kind Regards,


        • #5
          You guys need therapy!
          Bobby Parker

          phone: 2188206812

          My current hardware setup:
          • Ryzen 9 5900x CPU
          • 128gb Vengeance RGB Pro RAM
          • NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 X2
          • ​Windows 11 Pro


          • #6
            Originally posted by joconnell View Post
            "i will give my life for yours if need be, i swear it by the old gods and the new"
            lmfao ahahahahahahahahah

            Mastering CGI
            CGSociety Folio
            CREAM Studios
            Mastering V-Ray Thread


            • #7
              when you enjoy what are you doing 8 to 5pm is not enough. I dream with projects that I'm working on..... if I wake up in the middle of night with those thoughts most of time I can't go back to sleep.
              show me the money!!


              • #8
                Charakter animation is also a thing which sometimes forces you to act madly.
                Just recently i've been walking around like a penguin.
                Didnt went out but i got quizzical looks from my colleagues.
                They are programmers and webdesigners so i could disturb them with it.
                A company which just make CG must look like an madhouse sometimes.
                German guy, sorry for my English.


                • #9
                  When my Wife and I first started dating, she had to get used to me suddenly running off and taking photos of scratched stones or rusty paint.

                  She would wearily sigh "Textures..?" and I would say "Textures!"

                  It's a miracle she agreed to marry me to be honest.
                  MDI Digital


                  • #10
                    Everyday...tha same for me...everytime I have a moment to look around.

                    And I'm quite excited when I have to replicate a new material..and I'm hungry to have samples everytime a colleague ask me to use it.

                    The difficult part of this approach is always to find the right balance from the shader complexity and aesthetic result... because it's not difficult to have layers over layers trying to mimic the reality.


                    • #11
                      I was taking pictures of shop fronts two days ago in a small mall, I rapidly got interrupted by the security guard and had to explain what I was doing. I could go freely after a chat with the people managing the mall. There is still much tension here in Belgium.
                      When you take pictures shop fronts, their owners stare at you as if you were the devil.

                      And of course everybody stare at you when you measure the height of the ceiling or take a picture of the floor

                      Another day I was shooting a building in Brussels, got interrupted by a woman who not-so-gently asked me to show her the picture of her I just took. She was on the picture but it was a metro exit.... She finally went away.

                      Dangerous job

